Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob 1.6

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Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob - 1 Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob - 2 Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob - 3 Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob - 4

Single Tv Application is app that show live tv on android device. Watch your favorite TV channels Live in your mobile phone with this Android application on your Android device. that support almost all formats.The application is specially optimized to be extremely easy to configure and detailed documentation is provided.

Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob - 5 Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob - 6



Android Side

  1. All Device Combability(Responsive Design).
  2. Easily Navigate With Navigation View.
  3. Play/Pause online TV/Video Stream.
  4. Supports 720p/1080p HD mp4,mkv,m4v,mov,flv,avi,rmvb,rm,tp and many other video formats
  5. Live Url (m3u8 type link which is play live tv )
  6. Check Network Availability.
  7. Admob ads Integrated (Banner/Interstitial)
  8. Facebook ads Integrated (banner,interstitial)
  9. Wortise ads Integrated (Banner,interstitial)
  10. RTL Supported
  11. Google firebase analytic
  12. Compatible with GDPR
  13. Chromecast (m3u8, mp4 & http streaming support only)
  14. Only available Android Studio code

What You Get:

  1. Full Android Source Code.
  2. Full Document with Screen Shot.

Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob - 7


chromecast button appear only when your wifi have connected chromecast device if it does not connected with chromecast device then does not shown button so first connect chromecast setup to your wifi


Are you looking for the same application in iOS ?

iOS Single Tv


Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob - 8

Android Single TV App (Live Streaming, Chromecast) with Admob - 9

Change Log


- Updated SDK to 34
- Updated other libraries
- Updated Document
- Recommended Android Studio Iguana | 2023.2.1 Patch 1 


- Update targetSdk 33
- Update Dependencies
- Update Document 
- Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Patch 2 version recommended 


- Woritse ad added(Banner and interstitial)
- Updated Libraries
- Document updated 


- Updated SDK to 31
- Updated Libraries
- Supports Android 12
- Document updated 


- Facebook ads updated to admob bidding
- Updated SDKs and Libraries
- Update targetSdkVersion 30
- Document updated 


- Facebook ads added(banner,interstitial)
- Ads on-off option added
- Update libraries and API 29 support
- Document updated 


- Android studio compatible with 3.5 


- Vitamio Player Removed 
- Google Exo Player Added
- 64 Bit Compatible
- Add Firebase analytic
- SDK version set to 28 API Level
- Document update 


-Design Changed
-Compatible with Android Studio 3.1.4


- Onesignal notification added
- Admob GDPR update
- Play Tv in external app added
- Document update
- Bug fix 


update code android studio 3.1.2
update vitamo version 


Compatible with android studio 3.0
Support RTL
Bug Fixed 


Vitamio vulnerability in playstore solve


Update Vitamio 5.0.2  Lib Version

Change Log


Update Vitamio 5.0.1  Lib Version


Added Android Studio & Eclipse Code
Update Vitamio 5.0  Lib Version


Update Vitamio 5.0  Lib Version


StartApp SDK Updated.

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