Atlas Business Directory Listing v2.13

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Quick start guide for admin

  • Please go through the “Installation and Update” guide carefully if you haven’t installed the application yet.
  • Login as site administrator to organize your system.
  • At first update your System Settings and Payment Settings from Settings option of the left sidebar menu. Also, make sure to provide a valid YouTube API key and a valid Vimeo API key on System Settings.
  • If you have updated the Settings successfully, you can go to Categories option from the same left sidebar menu and create Categories.
  • You will need to add cities against the country before creating a listing.
  • After creating category and city, now you will be able to create listings. Go to Add New Listing sub-menu from the Listings menu from the left sidebar and fill the required fields and hit the Submit button.

Quick start guide for customers

  • First you will need to get registered before creating a listing.
  • If you’ve done it right, login with your registered email and password.
  • For creating a listing you will need to have a valid package.
  • If you are successful registered user and you have a valid package, the you are ready to create listings.
  • Go to Add New Listing sub-menu from the Listings menu from the left side bar and fill the required fields and hit the Submit button.

About Atlas

Want to make a professional business directory site? Atlas gives you the best platform to build one in minutes. It is highly customizable and the easiest script in the market to set up and organize your business directory portal. All modern functionalities of directory listing are integrated into Atlas which makes it industry standard and gives a robust solution to grow up your business.

Directory Portal features

  • Dynamic home page with search bar and top listings
  • Category wise directory browsing
  • Dedicated category & sub-category page with summary
  • Advanced directory filtering page
  • Filter listings with category, amenities, pricing, cities, video
  • Locate listings in map as marker with informative popover
  • Map interaction with listing search result for ease of access
  • Directory’s wide banner image
  • All categories in listing page
  • Unlimited photo gallery image for any directory
  • Amenities listing of a directory
  • Weekly opening & closing hours schedule
  • Currently closed or opening status
  • Video embed option from youtube, vimeo, html5
  • Social media sharing option for listing
  • Customer reviews and rating form
  • Review summary view sorted by star rating
  • Report inappropriate listing to admin to review
  • Contact form for business customers
  • Listing can be added to wishlist from thumbnail and detail page
  • Price table for purchasing directory posting package
  • Company details and legal pages: about, t&c, privacy policy, faq
  • Dynamic footer
  • 404 error page configuration

Business specific features

  • Customized directory layout for restaurant, hotel, shop
  • Food menu showing custom layout for restaurant directories
  • Table booking custom contact form for restaurant directories
  • Room detail custom layout for hotel directories
  • Room booking custom form for hotel directories
  • Product showing custom layout for shopping directories

Admin features

  • Easy installation process
  • Setup guide provided with product documentation
  • Most flexible listing creation form
  • Make listing pending/active with just one click
  • Review inappropriate reported listings
  • Listing category & subcategory manager
  • Listing amenities manager
  • Listing cities manager
  • Listing rating manager
  • Pricing package manager
  • Watch customer’s purchase report history
  • User database monitoring
  • Website settings manager
  • Portal’s terms, privacy policy, faq manager
  • Payment and currency setup for paypal, stripe
  • Multi language translation manager
  • Smtp settings setup
  • System status monitoring dedicated page

Customer feature

  • Dedicated user panel to manage account
  • Purchase package and create listing
  • Watch package purchase report
  • Print or download invoice of purchase
  • Create & publish listing following purchased package limit
  • Create hotel type directory with room details
  • Get room booking orders by making hotel directories
  • Create restaurant directories with food menu details
  • Get table booking orders by making restaurant directories
  • Create shopping directory with product details
  • Add favourite directories to wishlist & browse later
  • Give rating and reviews to preferred directories

Update History

version 2.14 – 20 November, 2023

- Multiple selected listing deletion issues fixed
- Listing activation issue has been solved
- Listing Opening and closing issue has been solved
- Listing filter issue has been solved 

version 2.13 – 17 April, 2023

- Now admin can configure listing opening and closing time with 30 minutes
- Multiple home page has been added. Admin can switch the home page layout from frontend setting
- Listing status change issue has been fixed
- More minor issue fixes and performance improvements 

version 2.12 – 28 November, 2022

- Newly added state feature
- Now, users can filter listings by state.
- Multiple listings add by uploading CSV file. 

version 2.11 – 21 August, 2022

- Social sharing content has been improved
- Meta pixel has been added to track website visitors
- Text editor issue fix 

version 2.10 – 7 April, 2022

- package_expiry_date added to the listing table for checking the packages expiry date
- Category selection issue (Use jQuery select2 instead) (client)
- Homepage updated with featured listing and popular listing and popular categories.
- Listing page : Grid view [existing one], List view[convert the existing grid view in list view with column management] 

version 2.9 – 17 January, 2022

- Latitude and longitude saving from maps. Not needed to enter numeeric value
- Listing ownership assign to another user
- Google Recaptcha added on the signup and login page for security
- Contact message send from system email not User email
- New page for forgot password. Change user password after clicking the valid url
- Addon purchase code verification
- Product about section improved 

version 2.8 – 11 October, 2021

- Stripe Secure Checkout API Update.
- Added Beauty service pricing limit on listing filter page.
- Handling gallery image uploading based on packages.
- Issue fixed on Paypal Payment.
- Contact Page optimised for Mobile devices.
- Opening status check if condition with out get_phrase function(bug)(now_open() function in listing helper and other using place)
- Unwanted crashes fixed 

version 2.7 – 18 April, 2021

- Pagination added to the listing page in the admin panel.
- Pagination issue has been solved on the filter and search page.
- Loading time is optimized for the category page.
- Landing page speed is increased. 

version 2.6 – 7 January, 2021

- Agent detail page added.
- User registration validated in the signup page.
- Currently, the active package marked on the packages page.
- Openstreet map updated.
- Unused data removed from maps. 

version 2.5 – 22 October, 2020

- Agent info added in listing detail page 
- Website contact page added with spam protection
- Openstreetmap and mapbox now have switiching & activation option in admin settings. 

version 2.4 – 8 August, 2020

- Compatible with Shop addon.
- Minor bug fixing. 

version 2.3 – 22 May, 2020

- Map settings updated for mapbox.
- Outgoing email format updated for security purpose.
- Pagination added on the listing filter page.
- Checkout page updated for adopting multiple payment gateways
- Meta keywords and descriptions added to the home page. 

version 2.2 – 24 March, 2020

- Openstreet map api updated to latest version.
- Listing deletion file issue fixed.
- Email verification text enhanced and updated. 

version 2.1 – 16 January, 2020

- SEO tags added and enhanced
- blog post page image updated to responsive
- cookie acceptance page block removed for smooth browsing
- Indian currency symbol added
- phpmailer library added to the outgoing mail system
- listing featured issue fixed
- dark logo hover issue fixed
- category cover photo redirecting to 404 error page fixed
- addon system developed and introduced
- Facebook live chat addon released. sold separately 

version 2.0 – 6 November, 2019

- blog page introduced
- admin can write a blog post
- EU cookie note settings
- a verified badge is now shown in homepage listing
- admin can claim a listing by own
- listing verification process enhanced and stored
- admin panel listing manager has a filter option
- footer text now made dynamic
- category list number shortened for better UX
- amenities icon showed in listing details page 

version 1.4 – 17 september, 2019

- backend admin panel layout updated; 

version 1.3 – 10 september, 2019

- user interface updated 

version 1.2 – 2nd September, 2019

- claim listing feature introduced. Business owners can claim and admin approval will give a verified badge to their listings.
- new listing type: beauty. For Salon, Spa, Nails, Hairstylist, Eyelash, Massage, Make Up, etc.
- new appointment booking form for beauty type business listing.
- booking and appointment manager from listing owner backend panel.
- new filter added in listing search page: opening status. Find the currently opened listings instantly.
- google analytics settings for each and every listing. owners can find better page view results.
- admin can now delete any review or comment.
- bulk delete option of listings for better management.
- listing search enhanced with description search. 

version 1.1 – 3 July, 2019

- featured listing introduced. featured listings stay top of the listing search result
- wide map view page introduced.
- listing URL completely redesigned. Now new structure:, e.g.
- offline payment introduced. admin can take payment by bank transaction or any other way for selling packages
- listing contact details added. a web address, email, phone, social media linkup added
- price package currency updated
- free package introduced
- number of listing permission in the price package
- review posting now require users to signup and login
- reviews can be modified or deleted by the user himself
- reviews can be removed by the site admin
- html5 text area updated for applicable edit fields
- map listing preview image layout enhanced
- switching between map view and grid view in the listings page
- signup link enhanced in the login page for a better experience 

version 1.0 – 20 May, 2019

- Initial release

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