Connect - Video Conference, Online Meetings, Live Class & Webinar, Whiteboard, Live Chat v2.5.0

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Connect – The Perfect Solution to Connect & Collaborate

Video Conference, Live Video Chat, Online Meeting, Live Class, Webinar,
Online Training, Podcast, P2P Chat Messaging, Group Chat, Screen Sharing,
Whiteboard and Real Time File Sharing
Connect - Website Connect - Live Demo

Connect is a Web Application offering Real-Time Communication with Video & Audio Communication, File Sharing, Screen Sharing, Whiteboard and Live P2P & Group Chat Messaging. Built using secure and efficient WebRTC, which is an open source framework to enable real-time communication of audio, video and data in Web and native apps. It enables users to communicate with others via Video & Audio Conference, Webinar, Podcast etc.

Connect - Video Calling, Video Conference, Online Meeting, WebRTC

Connect - WebRTC, Jitsi, Zoom, Meet, Meeting, Zoom Alternative

Connect - Envato CodeCanyon Regular License Connect - Envato CodeCanyon Extended License

Connect - Buy Now and Get Free Updates for Lifetime

Some of Awesome Features

Here are some points which make Connect the Perfect Solution for your Audio & Video Conferencing needs.

  • Multiple Meeting Types
  • Scheduled & Instant Meetings
  • Contacts & Segments for Invitation
  • Audio, Video and Screen Sharing Options
  • Multiple Level of Meeting Configurations
  • Live Chat / Real Time Messaging
  • Real Time File Sharing
  • Multiple Authentication Option
  • Complete Users Management System
  • Whiteboard & Streaming
  • Publicly Accessible Meetings


Connect - The Perfect Solution

Connect - Live Class, Meeting, Webinar, Video Conference, Online Class - Try Live Demo

Connect - Customer Support Connect - Documentation Articles

Connect - Step by Step Installation Tutorial Video

Connect - Live Demo Intro Video - Live Class, Meeting, Webinar, Online Training

Connect - Types of Meetings - Video Conference, Webinar, Live Class, Audio Conference, Podcast

Connect - How UI looks - Video Conference, Webinar, Live Class, Audio Conference, Podcast


Connect - Best Rated Product on Envato CodeCanyon


Connect - Progressive Web Application


Connect - Progressive Web Application

Connect - Progressive Web Application


Awesome Features

Connect is built on modern web technologies such as Laravel, VueJS and Bootstrap CSS framework, with tons of built-in features and components, it enables users to communicate with others via Video & Audio Conference, Webinar, Podcast etc.

Here are the list of some of the highlighted features of Connect:

  • Built with Latest Version of Laravel (8.x), The Most Popular and Widely Supported PHP Framework
  • Built with Latest Version of Vue.JS – The Fastest and The Most Starred JavaScript Framework
  • Easy Installation Wizard and Step-by-step Installation Tutorial Videos
  • Supports REST API, easy to integrate with other application
  • Single Page Application, reduces queries to server, decreases loading time, less bandwidth usage and improved user experience
  • Most Efficient Database Structure, gives scalability to the application
  • Multiple Authentication Options
  • Registration, Login, Activation, Approval
  • Social Login, Two-Factor Authentication
  • User Profile, Avatar, Change Password, Online/Offline Status
  • Roles & Permissions Management (ACL) System
  • Multi Lingual and Locale Management
  • Auto & Manual Screen Locking
  • UI and Push Notifications
  • Print and Export Functionality
  • Press Any Key to Search
  • Frontend Website built with Laravel Blade
  • Maintenance Mode
  • Mobile Responsive Design
  • Full Screen Mode
  • Multiple Color Scheme
  • Multiple Styling Options

We will be updating regularly with latest version of framework, plugins, features and fixes. You can share your feedback, bug reports and feature requests. We will try to implement in upcoming versions as soon as we can.


Connect - Built With KodeUI App Kit

Connect - Built With Laravel, VueJS, Bootstrap, WebRTC

Connect - Friendly User Interface


Connect - Tons of Additional Features


Admin Login Page – Click here to open

 Username: admin
    Password: password 

User Login Page – Click here to open

 Username: user
    Password: password 


Installation Prerequisites & Server Requirements

Make sure you read the Support Documentation for Application and other Server Requirements, Installation Prerequisite, on how much attendees Connect Application can handle and other useful topics.

Also, make sure all the installation prerequisites mentioned on the documentation are installed and fulfilled on your server. These prerequisites are mandatory, without these Connect won’t install and won’t work properly. We are not responsible for installing and fulfilling installation prerequisites on your server. Metaphorically speaking, we are selling you a computer, we are not going to set up an electricity board at your place. :)


PHP >= 8.1 (for CLI and Web both)

PHP Extensions Required

  • OpenSSL
  • PDO
  • MBString
  • Ctype
  • JSON
  • XML
  • MySQL Native Driver
  • GD Image Library
  • Zip Archive
  • cURL (7.70+ version) (for CLI and Web both)
  • GMP (Required for sending Web Push Notification, added on v1.4)

For Database:

  • MySQL >= 8
  • NOTE: MariaDB is not supported, use MySQL instead of MariaDB!

Additional Server Requirements

  • allow_url_fopen enabled
  • SSL Installed on the Server

Other Requirements

  • Pusher API Credentials
  • Signaling Server (by default it uses KodeMint’s Free Signaling Server)
  • ICE (STUN / TURN) Server

These are mandatory requirements! You can use a third party or free (if available) service provider for Signaling and ICE Services, or you can have your own Signaling and ICE Servers by setting those up yourself. You can also hire us or someone else to set those up for you. Without Signaling and ICE Server the Connect Script won’t work! Please understand that we are only responsible for Connect Script, and not responsible for installing or providing you Signaling & ICE Server.


Version Log

Version 2.5.0 Released on 11 March 2024

* Live Meeting - Whiteboard Feature Fixes
* New 'Host' Role Added
* Profile User Mobile Update Issue Fixed
* Email Templates - Localization And Other Fixes
* Datepicker / Calendar - Localization And Other Fixes
* Hints / Information Added To Meeting Configuration Options
* Hints / Information Added To Global Configuration Options
* Maintenance Mode Issues Fixes
* Backup Feature Fixes
* JSPDF - Library & Export Middleware Fixes
* JSPDF - Print & Export Feature Removed
* Hints / Information added to Form Elements & Components
* NPM & Composer Packages Updated
* Default Node Version Requirement Updated to 20.xx
* External Links In Configuration Updated To Kodemint's Documentation Articles 
Version 2.4.0 Released on 8 November 2023

* Timezone Issue Related Fixes
* Other Minor Fixes 
Version 2.3.0 Released on 27 July 2023


* Twilio SMS for OTP Login and Two Factor Security
* Live Meeting - Stability Fixes
* Live Meeting - Fixes for iOS and Safari on MacOS
* Live Meeting - Middleware Updated
* Live Meeting - Whiteboard Fixes
* Add to Calendar Feature Fixes
* Chat Box Feature Fixes
* Live Poll Feature Fixes
* Meeting Invitation Email Fixes
* Global Press Key To Search Email Updated
* Google Analytics Integration Fixes 
Version 2.2.0 Released on 23 December 2022


* Send Automatic Meeting Reminder
* Voice Search & Voice Commands
* Whiteboard Collaboration for Participants
* Add To Calendar for Scheduled Meetings
* Add To Calendar on Meeting Invitation Email.
* An option to Use Soketi instead of Pusher (Optional and requires running Soketi Server)
* Voice Command to navigate, to Create Meeting, to Start a Video Conference
* Delete chat and chat group option
* Bulk Add & Remove Contacts to Segments
* Restrict chat visibility on Live Meeting page
* Feature to check Soketi, Signal and ICE Services Status if they are installed on the same server


* Live Meeting - Meeting Events Related Fixes
* Live Meeting - Speech Detection Related Fixes
* Meeting Duplicate now also duplicates Configs and attachments
* Roles & Permission Checking While Routing Issue Fixed
* Pusher configuration renamed to Socket Configuration
* Minor version upgrade of some frontend packages & libraries
* Mobile Number added to User Forms 
Version 2.1.0 Released on 12 December 2022

*** WARNING ***

* On-page Configuration Editing on Live Meeting Page
* Migrated to Vite for Frontend Tooling & Build
* Minor version upgrade to almost all frontend packages & libraries
* Upgraded Laravel to Version 9 and other backend packages
* Live Meeting - UI & UX Improvements
* Option to clear chat history added
* Option added to open chat automatically when meeting is started

* Live Meeting - Minor Issues Fixed
* Meeting Feed Page Improvements
* RTC Library Related Improvements & Security Fixes
* Meeting Configuration Module Improvements
* Caching, Code Splitting, Service Worker improvements
* iOS Audio & autoplay issue fixed
* CopyToClipboard issue fixed
* Updated to use PHP 8.1 (required)
* Offline page design updated
* Text Editor updated to use Quill Editor
* Site Web Manifest updated
* Mirrored Video fixes on Live Meeting Page 
Version 2.0.0 Released on 1 October 2022

* Live Meeting - Layout Improvements
* Poll Feature for Live Meeting
* Report an Issue Feature

* Live Meeting - Ask Host Before Joining Issue Fixed
* Live Meeting - Other Issues Fixed
* View Meeting Page Improvements
* Meeting Feed Page Improvements
* RTC Library Related Improvements & Security Fixes
* Page Recursive Loading After Login Issue Fixed
* Maximum Participants Issue Fixed
* Locale & Translation Module Related Issue Fixed
* Dashboard Data API Related Fixes
* Meeting Configuration Module Improvements
* Navigation Menu Related Fixes
* Layout & Sidebar Related Configurations Added 
Version 1.14.0 Released on 20 June 2022

* RTC Library Middleware Module
* New Live Meeting Module
* Flutterwave Payment Gateway for Membership
* Event Module for Meetings

* MultiLingual Related Fixes
* Live Meeting GreenRoom Improved
* Live Meeting Device Selection & Config Improved
* Live Meeting Mute-Unmute Device Improved
* Live Meeting Background Blurring Improved
* Live Meeting Layouts Updated
* Live Meeting Whiteboard & Screen-Sharing Improved
* Live Meeting File Sharing Improved 
Version 1.13.0 Released on 31 January 2022

* CLICK TO CALL for online users
* SCALABLE BROADCAST FOR WEBINAR MEETING - Can handle more number of participants
* Create Chat Group with every user on a group
* After Installation Setup Wizard
* Screenshot Assets Image Upload Feature for PWA
* Dashboard configuration to enable disable widgets
* Dashboard configuration to change layout
* Master Sidebar Configuration to enable disable menu

* PWA Shortcuts Fixed
* Media URL Fixed
* Gender & Date of Birth are optional
* Website Footer can be disabled
* Live Meeting - Audio & Video Device Configuration
* Live Meeting - Speaker issue fixed
* Live Meeting - Joining without devices fixed & improved
* Live Meeting - Alert added for host if input devices are not present
* Live Meeting - Switch Camera for mobile fixed
* Live Meeting - Video Quality Improved
* DateTime Picker Input issue on mobile devices fixed
* Avatar Component - Fixed & Improved
* Sidebar widget related changes
* Miscalculated age issue fixed
* Stripe Payment Gateway improved
* Dropdown menus size on mobile fixed
* Frontend Packages Updated
* (BREAKING) SocketIO Version Updated - Need Updated Signaling Server
* Default Signal URL Updated to use our new Signaling Server 
Version 1.12.0 Released on 31 August 2021

* MONETIZATION - Paid Meeting with Online Payment
* Meeting Auto End and Auto End Alert
* Auto Recording, Recording Upload, Auto Recording Upload, Upload in Chunks
* Meeting Host and Moderator Indicator on Live Meeting Page
* Meeting related information on Live Meeting Page
* Meeting Cover Image Upload for Live Meeting Background
* Meeting Card Layout and Feed Page
* Reconnect Meeting when network is online
* Application Intro Tour
* User Profile Cover Image Upload
* User Avatar on Live Meeting beside user name
* Full Page Profile Cover Image and User Avatar Image on Live Meeting (when camera is disabled)
* Activity Log Module
* Links Highlight on Chat
* Save Form as Draft Locally (As More Option Dropdown in Page Header)
* Comma separated emails input box for meeting invitee list add

* Updated to Laravel v8
* New Configurations for enabling User Avatar, Live Meeting Information, Tour, Meeting Card Layout etc.
* View Meeting page
* Live Meeting page
* UserAvatar and other form components
* Social Login module
* App Search (any key to search) module
* Allowed File extensions configuration added
* Chat module
* Error pages
* Translation module realted
* Form components and error display realted
* Table and Data Table related
* Data Table Filter related
* Update User Name in Live Meeting for Guest
* Buttons on page header not visible sometimes
* Printing module related
* Timezone related
* Pages module 
Version 1.11.0 Released on 4 June 2021

* NEW FEATURE - Lifetime Membership
* NEW FEATURE - Paddle Payment Gateway Integration
* NEW FEATURE - Prefer Rear Camera configuration option for Live Meeting
* UPDATE - Improved membership feature
* UPDATE - Migrated to Dart Sass for build
* FIX - Issues with file uploading and uploader component
* FIX - Issues with Live Meeting on Chrome Browser on iOS
* FIX - Issues with Membership
* FIX - Issues with ask host before join option
* FIX - Issues with Signal Server configuration
* FIX - Issues with WebRTC Adapter
* FIX - Issues with Bandwidth & Device setup and camera switching on Live Meeting
* FIX - Issues with greenroom setup on Live Meeting 
Version 1.10.0 Released on 19 May 2021

* MONETIZATION - Membership Feature
* Payment Gateway Configuration - Stripe, PayPal added
* Snapshot Live Meeting Stream Feature
* Sound Alert for Snapshot
* Max Participant Count and Meeting Room Full alert
* Site Page Title and SEO Meta Fields Configuration added
* Ask host before joining
* Start Meeting shortcut for mobile screen
* FIX - Meeting attachment upload issue
* FIX - Rich Text Editor related issues
* FIX - Whiteboard related issues
* FIX - Screen Sharing and Hand Gesture restriction
* FIX - Meeting URL Redirection issue
* FIX - Service Worker Registration and PWA Related
* FIX - Page Header - Button and Links shown without permission 
Version 1.9.0 Released on 28 February 2021

* Publicly Accessible Meeting feature added
* Publicly Accessible Meeting related configurations added
* Whiteboard related configuration added
* Mirror Video configuration added for horizontally flipping video streams
* Live Meeting Layout options added for Mobile Screen
* Meeting bottom bar buttons and menu options added & updated
* Live Meeting page related styles improved
* Whiteboard related issues fixed
* User Contact issue fixed 
Version 1.8.0 Released on 4 February 2021

* Whiteboard feature added
* Whiteboard Streaming feature added
* Recording issue resolved for Live Meeting
* Live Video Indicator Demo & Audio Meter Components added for scheduled and live meetings
* Meeting Snooze timezone issue fixed
* Meeting Invitation timezone issue fixed 
Version 1.7.0 Released on 21 January 2021

* Speech Detection Highlight feature added
* Feature added to allow user to join meeting without camera / mic
* Configurations added to hide/show Link Sharing Button
* Configurations related to Manifest Start URL and Scope added
* App Logo component linking made optional
* Webinar and Live Class related minor fixes
* Toast Notification CSS related fixes
* Profile image upload issue fixed
* Login with OTP issue fixed
* Locales and Permissions syncing issue fixed
* Add to home screen - loop issue fixed
* Custom CSS file added and integrated to be used 
Version 1.6.0 Released on 23 November 2020

* Group Chat Feature
* User's Private Contacts & Segments Feature
* Configuration added to Mute Participants on Start
* Option added to Unmute or Mute Participants on Live Meeting
* Live Meeting Page Improved
* Start Instant Meeting Page Improved
* Service Worker version updated
* Live Class bug fix
* Sidebar UI Config - Unsplash API bug fix 
Version 1.5.0 Released on 29 October 2020

* Custom Meeting Code and Keep Meeting Alive features added for Instant Meetings
* Meeting auto timeout issue fixed
* Clear command added to AnyKeyToSearch component
* Meeting related configurations added for debugging & support
* Instant Meeting start page layout issue fixed
* Product update page improved
* Installation wizard and Server prerequisites check updated 
Version 1.4.0 Released on 14 October 2020

* Input Device Selection on runtime improved on Live Meeting page
* VAPID keys configuration added
* Web Push notification feature integrated
* PWA Manifest updated and caching improved
* Meeting - pause and resume recording functions added
* Meeting SDP Process related crashing issue fixed
* Meeting recording issue fixed
* Add to Home Screen Alert added with configuration 
Version 1.3.0 Released on 29 September 2020

* WebRTC File Sharing Component added
* Insert Emoji on Chat added
* Live Meeting page refactored
* Meeting Global and Single Level Configuration options added
* User Avatar and Dropdown added on Live Meeting Page
* Input Device Selection option added on Live Meeting Page
* Resolution, Bandwidth & Frame Rate Configuration for Live Meeting Page
* Grid / Tile Layout improved for Live Meeting Page
* Gallery Layout added on Live Meeting Page
* Toast notification position style fixed
* Online-Offline Notification system improved
* Google Analytics event helper plugin added
* Mute Sound Notification option added on Chat Configuration
* Site redirect related fixes
* User preference related fixes 
Version 1.2.0 Released on 22 September 2020

* Chat Configuration added on Chat Component
* Click to chat button on User Profile added
* Mute Sound Notification option for Chat Added
* Instant Meeting History added
* Share URL module improved on Live Meeting Page
* Segment description and editing issue fixed
* Google Analytics module added
* System added for Dynamic PWA Assets, App information and Site Manifest
* Configuration for Terms / Policy acceptance on Registration added
* Website Configuration added
* Social Network Configuration added
* Website Dynamic Pages Module added
* Website Contact / Query Module added
* Website Newsletter Subscriber Module added
* New muted request utility added for XHR Request
* Alert module added on Dashboard for showing alert
* Transition for pages extracted to TransitionPage Component
* Improved installation wizard
* Restriction added for admin user deletion
* Registration status issue fixed
* Datatable API calling issue fixed 
Version 1.1.3 Released on 4 September 2020

* Meetings related configurations added
* Meetings - Block & Unblock invitee options added
* Meetings - Block User from Live Meeting option added
* Delete option added for cancelled and ended meetings
* Instant meeting join issue fixed
* Timezone related issues fixed
* Locale related issues fixed
* Chat related configurations added
* User preference updated 
Version 1.1.2 Released on 22 August 2020

* Meetings empty user column fixed
* Meeting snooze notification fixed
* Back navigation issue fixed on Instant Meeting
* Meeting Filters issue fixed
* Social login issue fixed
* Timezone issue fixed
* Login with OTP fixed
* Two factor authentication fixed
* Form Buttons Responsiveness fixed
* Locale loading issue fixed
* Change password issue fixed 
Version 1.1.1 Released on 16 August 2020

* Locale loading issue fixed
* Role assign issue fixed
* Register page mobile responsiveness fixed
* Product one click update issue fixed
* Mailing Configuration From name issue fixed
* Vuex store naming & versioning issue fix
* Configurable Application Name and Window Title
* Theme related issue fixed 
Version 1.1.0 Released on 8 August 2020

* Live Chat Feature
* Instant Meeting (Start and Join a Meeting)
* Meeting Shareable Link Generation and Sharing
* Meeting Live Page - Redesigned, new layout
* Full screen and full window & tile layout
* Configurable Signalling Server URL
* Raise a Hand on Live Meeting Page
* User privacy configuration improved
* Assign role to user
* Locale selection on Configuration
* User Preference / Configuration
* Language Preference for User
* Ban, Activate, Approve Users 
Version 1.0.0 Released on 13 July 2020

* Initial Release 

What happened to all the existing documentation?

Unfortunately, we lost all our documentation because some dumb freshdesk support team accidentally deleted our account along with the contents without even taking backup.
We are writing everything from scratch, it will probably be take some time before we get to where we were.
We have launched the new Documentation & FAQs system in our own website and published the important articles related to this script.
Until our documentation is completely ready and published on our website, let us know what you are looking for in the documentation, our support team will be happy to help you. You can contact us at if you need support.

FAQs and Support Methods

How can I get the Membership feature?
Membership feature is only available for Extended License buyers. If you have purchased regular license, this feature will not be available to you as CodeCanyon Regular License cannot be used for commercial purpose. All Extended License buyer can contact us at for more information.

What information is required during installation?
The script requires “Access Code” to be entered during installation. You need to log in with your Envato account on to get the access code and add domains where you want to install the application.

Does this script include all the source codes?
Yes, it includes everything! Including all the files from composer.json, package.json, webpack.mix.js, various plugins which have been used.

Where can I access the documentation?
Click here to access the documentation for Connect and other products online. In case you face an issue, kindly send us an email at Our estimated response time is 48 working hours, though maximum response time can be upto 5 working days.

Does the author provide installation support?
Yes, we provide installation and technical support to help you get the product up and running on your live server, if you have a valid support. Also, support is only available to the customers who have purchased the script from CodeCanyon. You need to provide your Envato Email & Purchase code to get the support.
Click here read the support documentation. Or you can watch our installation tutorial video at YouTube by clicking here.

Does the author provide free installation service?
No, the author does not provide free installation service.
We do provide Additional Technical Services to help our buyers get the product up and running, as paid services. Click here to know more about Additional Technical Services.

Will I get support for further development?
Kindly note that the author is not going to teach you how to code or to install pre-requisites or to setup your server. However, the author will be available to answer your questions as per the guidelines mentioned in the Envato support tab. It is recommended to have the required level of knowledge of Laravel Framework, JavaScript along with VueJS as mentioned on the application description.

Does the author provide customization?
Yes, the author is available to provide customization services but with an additional charge of $20 an hour. Cost is negotiable for larger customization requirements. Though customization requests can be accepted or rejected depending on the availability of the author and feasibility & scope of the customization requirements.

Can I use this script on multiple instances?
No, if you have purchased a Regular license then you can use this script for a single instance only. If you have used or you will use more than one instance of this script, your support will be blocked and it will be reported to Envato. You can purchase an extended license to use this script for multiple instances.

Is refund or exchange option available?
This script is a digital product in nature, so it is not feasible for us to give a refund or exchange option, sorry!


NOTE: To customize the script of this application, you need at least intermediate level web development experience in order to understand few components and strategy used in developing this application. You need to know Web Technologies such as PHP, Laravel, JavaScript and Vue Library. You need to be able to install the prerequisites of this application.


Click here to go to Documentation related to this script.

FAQs and References

Click here to go to the Documentation, which can answer most frequently asked Technical, License, WebRTC and Customization related questions. We will keep updating our reference list and questions based on the question asked by our users.

Technical Tutorials for Beginners

Click here to go to Tutorial section of the our Blog, where you will find most of the commonly asked installation tutorials.

You are advised to visit the live demo with all the features. Visit the documentation by clicking here, where over 150+ articles are available, and check all the server pre requisites and requirements. Watch the step by step installation guide by clicking here

We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on Connect. Click here to share your feedback or to make a feature request.

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