Deprixa Basic – Courier Freight Forwarding & Shipping Software Solutions v3.5

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Deprixa Basic – Freight Forwarding & Shipping Software Solutions, It is a software designed for companies that handle loads that require a system to monitor the logistics of storage and handling of cargo to its final destination, binding modules collection that will create automatic billing, according to the dimensions , weight and shape of said load handling.

Additional Deprixa Basic – Freight Forwarding & Shipping Software Solutions, The advantage of this software is that it is a web system, allowing it to be accessed from a PC, Tablet or Smartphone possessing an Internet connection.



Deprixa Basic – Courier Freight Forwarding & Shipping Software Solutions V3.5 - 1

Other features

  • Shipment Avanced
  • Consolidation Platform packages
  • Shipments in various modes (air, sea, etc) each with own rates
  • Invoicing, Ticket
  • Register Accounts for the Manager, Administrator, Driver and Customer,
  • Customer Cpanel
  • Email Notification SMTP PHPMAILER
  • Twilio SMS
  • And much more…



  • PHP 8.1.28 Recommended
  • MySQL 5.6, 5.7
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Curl PHP Extension
  • Openssl PHP Extension
  • ION CUBE LOADER Extension

DISCLAIMER: ionCube Loader is a tool to execute precompiled PHP codes, Deprixa Basic – use ionCube Loader to protect some files in the installation, verification of licenses through purchase code, these codes will not be visible for security, more than 90% of the source code is open for editing. If you are not satisfied with the features currently in this product, please do not purchase, as I do not issue refunds after downloading the product.



v3.5.0 – [15 May 2024]

- Update php version to 8.1.28
- Enhancing the Deprixa script by updating its entire source code to optimize performance across all aspects.
- Error in shipping forms


v3.2.2 – [16 March 2023]

- Summary report of consolidated accounts receivable
- Consolidated manifest list report

- Updating in the shipping and consolidated counters, if a shipment is consolidated, the values will be reflected in the consolidated graphs
- Client dashboard update, the virtual address is reflected and shipments and consolidated shipments are reflected in the same place
- Accounts receivable module update, payments cannot be added to shipments with consolidated status

- Error when loading file or image in the customer payment module
- Error see consolidated invoice did not reflect the taxes correctly in the total
- Error see printing of invoice did not reflect the taxes correctly in your total
- Error in shipping forms

v3.2.1 – [12 March 2023]

- Referential integrity in all the crud of the system. (You cannot delete an entity if it is linked to another entity)
- Implementation of SweetAlert for server responses/messages on delete (ALL CRUD)
- Referential integrity in the addresses of the recipients/senders, this prevents them from eliminating an address that is being used by a shipment/consolidation
- Total cleaning of unnecessary assets
- List of shipments from client panel
- Form to create advanced shipments as in deprixa pro (without fees)
- Form to accept advanced shipments as in deprixa pro (without fees)
- Form to create advanced customer panel shipments as in deprixa pro (without fees)
- Form to edit advanced shipments.
- Translations in Spanish and English in submission/notification forms, validations, etc.
- Canceled shipments report module

- Display notifications in client panel.
- View files attached to the shipment
- Display calendar in respective forms
- Error in shipping forms
- Error in consolidated forms (I was taking the shipping prefix which generated a big error in the database, the data was crossed)
- Error printing shipments
- Error printing track shipments
- Error printing consolidated
- Error printing consolidated labels
- Payment error with stripe
- General errors found
- Error in dashboard counters and graphs, shipping and consolidated
- Error when canceling a shipment


v3.0.0 – [13 April 2022]

- <strong>Added:</strong><br />
- Admin Dashboard is bootstrap 5,menu horizontal.<br />
- Change of code to PDO, PHP 7.3.<br />
- Advanced graphics styling in Bootstrap 5<br />
- Advanced shipment module.<br />
- Consolidated advanced module.<br />
- Advanced shipment list module.<br />
- Advanced consolidated list module.<br />
- Advanced accounts receivable module.<br />
- Advanced module of reports on shipments, consolidated, accounts receivable and package manifests.<br />
- User registration with multiple addresses.<br />
- Registration of drivers with multiple addresses.<br />
- Dashboard of clients with advanced shipping form, creation of your own clients.<br />
- Automatic customer search in the delivery and consolidated form.<br />
- Front end design, with advanced tracking search with invoice issuance and shipping history.<br />
- Deprixa basic with Spanish, English and Hebrew language.<br />
- General company configuration, logo dashboard admin, logo fron end.<br />
- Settings of email mail and smtp phpmailer, configuration of mail templates.<br />
- online payment configuration, PAYPAL, STRIPE, PAYSTACK, CASH PAYMENT.<br />
- Shipping and Consolidation Tax Setup.<br />
- Consecutive tracking number configuration for shipments and consolidated.<br />
- Config of taxes when the invoice is printed in shipments and consolidated.<br />
- Configuring shipments item select by default in the customer dashboard form.<br />
- Miscellaneous configuration for shipments and consolidated contains: (group of offices, group of agencies, shipping companies, shipping time, shipping mode, payment method, styles and status, payment method, payment method, type of packages, logistics service). 


2016 September 28 – Version 2.5 STABLE






2016 April 29 – Version 2.4

- ADDED: Email Notification.
- UPDATE: Form customer records with repeated control post.
- UPDATE:Connection errors in the system.
- UPDATE: Module Cpanel customers. 



2016 April 1 – Version 2.3

- ADDED: Modulo Powerful CRUD. 
- ADDED: Online Reservations.
- ADDED: Register Accounts for the Manager, Administrator, Employee and Customer.
- ADDED: Customer Cpanel.
- ADDED: Email Notification.
- ADDED: Payment PAYPAL.
- UPDATE: Form queries shipments main page.
- UPDATE: Cpanel optimization inthe main shipping list.
- UPDATE: Update submission form.. 



2015 September 21 – Version 2.2

- ADDED: Generate BARCODES.  
- UPDATE: Improvements on some labels.
- UPDATE: Print search and edit bill courier. 


2015 September 5 – Version 2.1

- ADDED: Setting or Master. 
- IT CONTAINS: (Mode of Bookings, Type of Shipments, Location, Customer List. 
- UPDATE: Add Shipping (Mode selection from the database).
- UPDATE: Tracking Number 1 from 10000001 (Manually configure the numbering of shipments or the number of bills you want).

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