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Easy Forms is a full-featured, easy-to-use, online form builder tool that speeds up the form building process – so you can finish your online forms faster and enjoy the rest of your work without code.
Yes! You can start to create online forms quickly and easily without any programming skills in just minutes!
If you want to add even more great features, feel free to add our premium add-ons for extending your online form builder.
So far Easy Forms has been successfully installed in all the hosting companies hired by our users. So likely your hosting must also meet the requirements.
Easy Forms requires at least PHP 7.2.5 (Not 8.3). PHP 8.2 is recommended.
This documentation covers detailed system requirements for a Easy Forms installation:
Username: admin
Password: 123456
Username: user
Password: 123456
How to Install Easy Forms on any Web Host
How To Create a Contact Form with Easy Forms
Secure Easy Forms login with Two Factor Authentication
10.09.2024 - ver 2.2 - Added: Confirmation Settings > Show message as Custom HTML - Added: DOI Settings > Show Opt-In message as Custom HTML - Added: Auto-suggest tool in Opt-In message - Added: User ID to Field Mapping - Added: Submission Details: Show / Hide Empty Fields, DOI Status, Sender Info tool - Added: Display Add-On custom content in Submission Details page - Added: Notification Settings > Disable / Enable Rich Editor in Email Messages - Added: UI Widget: jSuites Input Mask (Currency) - Improved: Star Rating UI Widget (Multi languages and themes) - Improved: Submission Manager > Show / Hide Columns Tool - Improved: Submission Manager > Bulk Actions - Improved: Submission Report Builder (Browser memory) - Improved: Submission Manager when a Signature field has invalid data - Improved: Italian translation - Improved: Site Emails configuration fields - Improved: Form Page: Display a custom alert via url params (type & message) - Improved: Auto-Suggest Tool design - Improved: Field List for Field Mapping (Compatible with Auto-Suggest Tool) - Improved: CC and BCC support multiple email addresses with empty spaces - Improved: Ignore OSX folders in Add-On Manager - Fixed: Form tracker issue when referrer query has more than 100 characters - Fixed: Copy / Import Forms: "created_by" validation error - Fixed: 2FA modal form issue - Fixed: Report Builder > Row chart issue - Fixed: REST API to retrieve form submission and choice field - Fixed: Rule Engine: Use formula result in another rule - Fixed: Share Form By Email > Unknown cc field - Fixed: Installation in French language - Fixed: Create Template with PHP 8.2 - Fixed: Pagination of Grid View with filters - Removed: Virtual Fields in {{ submission_table }} and Submission receipt - Updated vendors 09.07.2024 - ver 2.1 - Added: Form Page Settings (Favicon, Logo, Meta Tags and CSS styles) - Added: Form Confirmation > Hide Form Before Redirect to Another Page - Added: Form Settings > Authorized Urls > Hide Form & Display Error Message - Added: Form Manager > Change Form Name Link according to user permissions - Added: target="_blank" to Help links - Added: Share / Send Form By Email - Added: Export Submissions > Adds User ID and Username - Added: UI Widgets: Flatpickr localization / i18n support - Improved: Display "Settings & Tools" menu items according to user permissions - Improved: Add-On UI > DepDrop widget - Improved: Chinese Simplified translation - Improved: i18n of Dates (Diff for humans) - Improved: Multiple Email Validator (Client side) - Improved: Notification Settings: “Recipient (Email field)” with multiple e-mails - Fixed: Error in Generated Pop-up Form Code - Fixed: Form Notifications > CC and BCC with multiple email addresses - Fixed: Export Submissions > Generate secure link to uploaded files - Fixed: User can log in without confirm email address - Fixed: Save templates and themes without user owner - Updated vendors 14.03.2024 - ver 2.0.5 - Added: Display Radio Button Group and Checkbox Group as Buttons - Added: Dynamic Content > Modifier / Virtual Field (Selected Labels) - Added: REST API: Get Submissions > Multi-Choice Field Answers > Answer Labels - Added: DepDrop widget to be used in the entire application. - Added: Event: Form is submitted (Edit Submission - Added: MailHelper. Configure From name with add-ons - Improved: Matomo Device Detector compatibility - Improved: Event: Form is submitted (New Submission) - Fixed: Forms > Add-Ons > Actions button - Fixed: Incompatibility between Submission created and PayPal payment received - Fixed: Export Submissions as MS Excel file - Fixed: Duplicate form. Form name is used to generate slug - Fixed: Form Builder: Custom Attributes design - Fixed: Form Builder > NPS Field (Label alignment). - Fixed: Hide Radio Button with conditional rules - Fixed: Amazon SES Transport > Reply-To email address in Notification Settings - Updated vendors 08.01.2024 - ver 2.0.4 - Added: Form Builder: Design Panel > Progress Bar > Height - Added: Internal "Cron" Event in the entire system - Improved: User creation without email notification - Improved: Form Builder: Horizontal Forms - Improved: Form Builder: Inline Forms - Improved: Don't display error in form when none mail transport is selected - Improved: Console Commands: Compatibility with addons - Improved: Rule engine and widget source code - Fixed: RTL layout - Fixed: Custom Application Name in Password Reset page - Fixed: Session Timeout Modal Design - Removed: PHP 7.2.0 support (Minimum PHP version: 7.2.5) - Updated vendors 20.10.2023 - ver 2.0.3 - Improved: Application delay introduced by UI notifications - Improved: Form Builder: Custom design for radio button and checkbox fields - Fixed: Installation with different languages - Fixed: Form Widget Height Calculation - Fixed: Form Widget. Checkbox "required" validation - Fixed: Form Builder > Design panel > Merge of Default CSS and Saved CSS 06.10.2023 - ver 2.0.2 - Improved: Email Notifications: Email should be unique between to, cc, and bcc - Fixed: Notification Message: Remove XML tag - Fixed: Search submissions with empty spaces - Fixed: Mail Settings: Test email when no transport has been selected - Fixed: Submission Manager: Show Map - Fixed: Multi-step forms with fields in multi columns - Fixed: Download Form as HTML file - Fixed: Form Builder > Code tab > Copy source code 03.10.2023 - ver 2.0.1 - Fixed: Swiftmailer library loading process 02.10.2023 - ver 2.0 - Added: PHP 8.2 Support - Added: Bootstrap 5 Theme Design - Added: UI Notifications - Added: Submission Manager: Send notification when a submission is created or updated - Added: Support to Heic / Heif images format validation - Added: Create New Button - Added: Site Settings > Open Source licenses page - Added: Search box for user selection in the entire system - Added: Font Awesome 5 PRO library - Improved: Bootstrap 5 Form Builder - Improved: Form Manager. Name links to Form Page - Improved: Form Widget: Form Validation - Improved: Form Page: Wider form layout - Improved: Form Analytics. Disables ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY before processing queries - Improved: File Validation (PHP 8.2 support) - Improved: Migration files compatible with utf8mb4 and utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci in new installations - Improved: German translation - Improved: Disallow access to .git folder - Improved: Mail Settings > Brevo - Improved: Event Helper (display different events in different sections) - Fixed: Dashboard: Division by zero - Fixed: Run console commands - Fixed: "Remember me" feature - Removed: Bootstrap 3 Theme Design - Removed: Mail Settings > PHP option - Updated vendors 06.04.2023 - ver 1.18.4 - Added: Submission Manager > Send email notification when Notification Settings > Email field is selected - Improved: i18n messages - Improved: Excludes Matrix fields from Submission Report - Improved: Order in which modules are loaded - Improved: Submission Manger: Signature pad - Fixed: Save SMTP account with PHP 8.1. - Fixed: Design issue in Form Page with RTL layout - Fixed: Application command line - Fixed: Form Builder: Revert change to encode HTML code as UTF-8 - Removed: Drop support for PHP mail() function - Updated vendors 01.04.2023 - ver 1.18.3 - Added: PHP 8.1 Support - Improved: Dynamic Content: Decode "<" and ">" entities to be used as operators - Improved: Save & Resume Later: Clear after success submit, not after any submit - Improved: Mail Settings > Site Emails are required fields - Fixed: Dynamic Content and PHP 8 issue - Fixed: Password protected forms submits - Fixed: Rules Engine: Show/Hide Fields with IDs that begin with the same string - Fixed: Form Widget. Editable Select List with Placeholder - Fixed: Submission Manager. Editable Select List with Placeholder - Fixed: Form Tracker. Snowplow RefererParser library - Fixed: Form Tracker and CSRF issue - Removed: Drop support for PHP 7.0 and 7.1 - Updated vendors 07.01.2023 - ver 1.18.2 - Added: Conditional logic with Time fields - Added: Date field. Min and Max Validation with Relative Date - Improved: NPS field with responsive design - Fixed: Conditional Validation and Matrix Fields - Fixed: Form Builder: PageBreak component in canvas - Fixed: Form Submission: Undefined index "name" - Fixed: RBAC. Allow Form Submit in Private Form with "Shared with" access - Fixed: RBAC. Form Submit as anonymous user - Fixed: Form's page logo title - Fixed: Copy Forms (Confirmation Rules and PDF Templates) - Fixed: Tiny Editor in Form Builder - Fixed: Compatibility with Field Encryption add-on (Decrypt data in Form widget) - Fixed: Rule Engine. Select list multiple is present or blank - Fixed: i18n strings in embed popup form - Fixed: 2FA. Google Authenticator shows Application Name after scan QR code 17.09.2022 - ver 1.18.1 - Added: FieldsDepDropAction to be used by add-ons - Improved: Add-On Manager: Log error when an invalid add-on is detected. - Fixed: Dynamic Content. Liquid component. Fix incompatibility with PHP 8.0.15. - Fixed: Form Manager: Delete forms that were not deleted correctly - Fixed: Form Widget: Form reset when pretty urls are disabled - Fixed: Form Builder: Static html buttons - Fixed: Folder Management - Fixed: Multiple File Upload when fields don't have labels - Fixed: Conditional validation & Matrix fields 02.09.2022 - ver 1.18 - Added: Form Widget. Keep input values after submit, disabling form reset ("r: 0") - Added: Submission Manager: DOI Status - Added: Submission Manager: Download Attachments - Added: Net Promoter Score Field (NPS) - Added: Form Settings: "Edit Slug" feature - Added: Form Builder: "Copy Field ID" feature - Improved: Form Page without Login link when User Registration is OFF - Improved: Submission Manager: Delete Signature Images when a Submission is Deleted - Improved: Import Forms: Log exceptions - Improved: UI Widgets: Flatpickr. Customize Date Format via Custom Attributes - Improved: i18n messages - Improved: Dynamic Content. Allow integration with add-ons - Fixed: Min Length Validation - Fixed: Form Builder i18n messages - Fixed: Delete Form-Folder relation when Form or Folder is deleted - Fixed: Submission Manager. Search in Hebrew language - Fixed: SendGrid Integration: Email with "Reply-To" name and "Reply-To" email - Fixed: Rule Engine: Parse Text. Remove {{ tag }} that points to checkboxes - Fixed: Move forms to folders when app is in sub-folder or without pretty urls - Fixed: Design minor issues - Fixed: Incongruent alert message in the Create User page - Updated vendors 04.03.2022 - ver 1.17 - Added: SendGrid integration - Added: Form Settings: Disable form after a number of submissions - Added: Stored Signature URL in CSV/MS Excel exports - Added: Search/Filter Submissions with status:confirmed (by double opt-in) - Added: Dynamic Content. New filter: "locale" to display a date in different languages - Added: Rule Builder: Date Based Conditional Logic - Added: Select Multiple Events in Notification Settings - Added: Event Helper: Adds Stripe Payment Received event - Added: Allow to add-ons the option to add information to Dynamic Content - Added: REST Api: Adds Hash ID to Submissions resource - Improved: Notification Settings: Improves CC and BCC fields - Improved: DB performance generating the submission number - Improved: Form Builder: List of Google Fonts - Improved: Mail Helper compatible with SMTP Add-On - Fixed: Copy Form with Add-Ons - Fixed: Signature image in default email message - Fixed: Prevent empty Sender Name in Email Notifications - Fixed: Dynamic Content: Date filter and empty values - Fixed: UI Widgets: Flatpickr.js integration to create a Time picker 18.11.2021 - ver 1.16 - Added: Folder Management and Organizing Forms in Folders - Added: New UI Widget: Select2 - Added: Copy Forms feature (with specific settings) - Added: Email Notifications: Display Submission Table with placeholders - Improved: Data Validator: "Select List" field can accept options dynamically created - Improved: Form Add-Ons: Show multiple configurations of same add-on - Improved: Form Add-Ons: Display Add-On Settings via Associative Tables - Improved: Form Builder: Show popover below fields in small screens - Improved: Analytics Component: Logging errors - Fixed: Select2 fields with multiple values - Fixed: Users (not admins) use bulk actions to update multiple items - Fixed: Display signature images in email body - Fixed: Submission Manager. Resend emails - Fixed: Send email notifications with encrypted fields - Removed: Drop support for PHP 5.6 14.09.2021 - ver 1.15.2 - Fixed: Show / Hide Fields in Multi-Step Forms 09.09.2021 - ver 1.15.1 - Fixed: Submission Management. Hide / Show Columns Tool. 08.09.2021 - ver 1.15 - Added: UI Widget. Display HTML5 fields as Javascript Widgets with no code - Added: JS interaction with Conditional Rules when a field has been Shown or Hidden - Added: Theming - Added: Dynamic Content: Signature filter - Added: In-App Analytics. Update reports manually - Added: Calculate difference of hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds - Added: Date Calculations with parseDate and formatDate() formula - Added: Submission Manager shows Serial Number column - Added: Form Builder. Stock Images by Unsplash - Added: Directionality and HR buttons in Wysiwyg editor - Added: Submission Manager. Save "Empty Fields" status as User Preference - Improved: Report Builder with more than 32 charts - Improved: Dashboard. Conversions Overview - Improved: Confirmation Settings. Display Double Opt-in configuration - Improved: Adds “number” class to demo file: jquery.mask.js - Improved: Adds Sender Name to No-Reply email address in Email Notifications - Improved: Date Range Picker in Submission Manager - Improved: Dynamic Content. Filters with Labels in token replacement - Fixed: Export Submissions. File Name (Date format) - Fixed: Webhooks Add-On Gridview with large urls - Fixed: Dynamic Content: Submission Table shows Textarea Text with line breaks - Fixed: Form Builder: Capture Radio Button/Checkbox with weird characters - Fixed: Form Widget: Edit Date fields with different date formats - Fixed: Submission Manager: Mark entry as read - Fixed: Edit entry with Date fields using different date formats - Fixed: Edit data collected by Radio Buttons/Checkboxes in a Matrix Field - Fixed: Incompatibility between DB Migration Script and last jQuery version - Fixed: Unique fields incompatibility with Field Encryption Add-On - Fixed: Rule Builder with Radio Button without Label - Fixed: Dashboard error when we delete all the entries in a form - Fixed: Optgroup can generate issues when the Select List is copied - Fixed: Display Form Widget when Form is disabled - Fixed: Form Widget is not displayed correctly in PopUp Forms - Fixed: Site Settings. Removes black border in Upload Logo field - Updated vendors 21.07.2021 - ver 1.14.2 - Added: Form Widget: Display specific pages in Multi-Step Forms by passing a "p" query string or "page" option - Added: Form Builder: Adds <optgroup> tag to Select List fields by using double brackets, eg. [[Group Label]] - Added: Google Analytics Add-On: v1.3. Compatibility with Google Analytics 4. - Added: Rule Engine: Uses Form Language setting to Format Number with its respective locale format - Added: Rule Builder: Implements feature to copy a value to a field - Improved: Form Widget: Display it when Form's dom document is ready to get better performance - Improved: Translate the default Thank You message based in Form language - Improved: Rule Builder: Performance improvement - Improved: Country Helper: Countries in EU - Improved: French translation - Improved: Updates jQuery to v3.6.0 including compatibility changes - Fixed: Form Widget: Edit entries with "unique" fields in multi-step forms - Fixed: Rule Builder: Display Radio Button labels and Checkbox labels with "<" character 13-06-2021 - ver 1.14.1 - Added: Form Builder: Copy, paste and reset form design of other forms - Added: RBAC: Copy user role - Added: Change format of Date Fields via Site Settings - Added: RBAC Cache - Improved: Form Builder: Displays popover arrow in vertical mid - Improved: Form Builder: Tel input type accepts any format (HTML5 compatibility) - Improved: Updates script file to show Star Rating fields - Improved: Vendor & Libraries - Fixed: Value of 0 (Zero) is not displayed in notification messages 24.05.2021 - ver 1.14 - Added: PHP 8.0 support - Added: Form Builder: Drag-and-Drop Column Control - Added: Form Builder: Custom Attributes - Added: Form Builder: "View Form" and "Save & View Form" buttons - Added: Form Settings: Implements Time Zone and Date Format for Submissions - Added: Submission Manager: Sort Form Submissions by Field Values - Added: Form Endpoints: Capture associative array POST requests - Added: Form Manager: Manage Add-ons by Form - Added: Form Builder: Changes submit button text when a form is saved - Added: Send notification to multiple emails collected by the same Email field - Improved: Centralizes all i18n messages within the core application - Improved: Adds Form Builder version to Templates - Improved: Amazon SES: Removes unnecessary quotes in From Name - Improved: Auto-Suggest Tool with additional variables like Form Name or Submission ID - Improved: Email Notification > "Includes a Submission Copy" - Improved: Button to remove "install.php" and "easy_forms.sql" and go to "Log in" page - Improved: Addon Manager: Verify that an add-on exists before trigger its events - Improved: Migration files with collation: utf8_unicode_ci, instead of utf8_general_ci - Fixed: "Close" button when the Pop-up Form code is generated - Fixed: Matrix field with empty label - Fixed: Editing multiple signature fields - Fixed: Download the HTML when we generate the logo image url - Fixed: Confirmation Settings > Conditional Logic (Rule without message) - Fixed: Incompatibility between Hash IDs and Password Protected Forms - Fixed: Check permissions when a user wants to display a template with the Form Builder - Removed: "Easy Forms" html comment in Form page 07.04.2021 - ver 1.13 - Added: PHP 7.4 support - Added: Amazon SES Integration - Added: Form Builder: Add/Move fields before first form component - Added: Feature to set the "Date / Time Format" in the entire app - Added: Dashboard. "Unread Submissions" panel - Added: Select email field for Email Notifications > CC and BCC - Added: Ability to add event types dynamically with add-ons - Added: Dynamic Content: {{ submission_text }} variable - Added: Theme Manager: "Copy a Theme" - Added: "Save a Theme & Continue" feature. - Added: Protected Files: Allow authorized request by using API keys - Improved: Don't use default no-reply email address with Form emails - Improved: Copy Form adds "Copy" to the name - Improved: Form Builder: Without Name nor Title shows error message - Improved: Url Redirection with Dynamic Content - Improved: Compatibility with Subscription module - Improved: GridView: Update Date Range Format. - Improved: Avoid duplicated submission numbers when they are saved at the same second - Improved: Publish Forms: Display Application Name in embed code - Improved: Uses Hash ID to identify a form publicly - Improved: Implements support for SVG images (logo) - Improved: Update module: SetupHelper trigger event before migration - Improved: Update module: Removes the "version restriction" to access it. - Improved: Vendor & Libraries - Fixed: ImageHelper. Detect if an uploaded file is an image - Fixed: IIS and json files incompatibility - Fixed: DataValidator: Textarea > minLength/maxLength validation - Fixed: Error when anonymous users access restricted pages (UserPreferences) - Fixed: Update add-ons with DB prefix - Fixed: Demo of jQuery UI Datepicker in French - Fixed: Form Builder: Matrix Field and Label CSS Class - Fixed: Disable User Registration page - Fixed: Search submissions in Arabic language - Removed: "Save To DB" column from Form Manager - Removed: JsonToArrayBehavior & ArrayAccess library 16.01.2021 - ver 1.12.3 - Added: Submit Form with Conditional Logic - Added: Reset Form with Conditional Logic - Added: Go to Next or Previous Page with Conditional Logic - Added: Submission Manager: Referrer Page to Sender's Information - Added: Submission Manager: Adds Url and Referrer to Export Submissions - Added: Form Builder: Hide Navigation Buttons with Theme Designer - Improved: "Export Submissions" and Encrypted Fields Ad-On Integration - Improved: Submission Manager with horizontal scrollbar - Improved: Redirect to Dashboard when a user goes the Form page without permissions - Improved: reCAPTCHA v3: Refresh expired tokens with very large forms. - Improved: Rule Builder: Update choices when a Radio Button / Select List was updated - Improved: Setup: Update DB config file after the Test Connection - Improved: Vendors and libraries. - Fixed: Required File fields and Conditional Validation - Fixed: Verify user permissions to re-send email notifications - Fixed: Incompatibility with IIS Server - Fixed: "No results" message in Submission Manager - Fixed: Incompatibility between Yii2 and Progress Bar 29.12.2015 - Initial release