eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - v2.1.0

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eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 1 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 2 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 3    

eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 6

eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 7 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 8
eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 9 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 10
eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 11 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 12 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 13

eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 14 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 15 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 16 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 17 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 18 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 19 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 20 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 21 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 22 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 23 eDemand-Multi Vendor On Demand Handy Services, Handyman with Flutter App | Admin panel | Web Version - 24

Version 2.2.0

( 02 Feb 2024 )

+[Added] Search Service Feature in App.
+[Added] Country code section in admin panel.
+[Improvements] User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) for application.
+[Improvements] Implemented Material 3
+[Compatible] Flutter v3.16.9 - Seamlessly utilize the latest Flutter features. 
- NOTE: There are no changes in the website code 

Version 2.1.0

( 17 Nov 2023 )

+[Improvements] User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) for website 
- Note: There are no changes in the app code 

Version 2.1.0

( 27 Oct 2023 )

+[Added] Website settings functionality to the admin panel.
+[Added] Introduced a filter and data download option for listing tables within panels.
+[Improvements] User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX) for website and panels.
- Note: There are no changes in the app code 

Version 2.0.0

( 17 Oct 2023 )

+ [ADDED] Web Version (UI improvements) 

Version 2.0.0

( 04 Oct 2023 )

+ [ADDED] Web Version (ReactJS) 

Version 2.0.0

( 25 Sep 2023 )

+ [ADDED] Reschedule and Reorder Options: Customers can now reschedule and reorder services conveniently.
+ [ADDED] Unified Registration: Users can register the same phone number for both customer and provider accounts, with separate data management.
+ [ADDED] Admin Subscription Control: Admins have the ability to unassign or change a provider’s subscription from the panel.
+ [ADDED] Subscriber List: Added a subscriber list in the admin panel for a comprehensive view of provider subscriptions.
+ [ADDED] Country Code Selection: Admins can set the default country code for logins in the general settings.
+ [ADDED] Service Availability: When providers are unavailable at a customer’s location, their services and details will be displayed as “not available.”
+ [ADDED] Policy Preview: Admins can easily access policy links with the addition of policy preview icons in the settings.
+ [ADDED] Payment Gateway Support: Added a static list of supported currency codes for payment gateways to prevent errors..
+ [ADDED] Expanded Payment Options: Added additional payment gateways in the provider panel for subscription purchases, including PayPal.
+ [ADDED] Booking Cancellation: Unaccepted bookings are automatically cancelled, and online payments are refunded to the customer’s account using payment gateway refund APIs.
+ [ADDED] Custom Order Sounds: Providers receive custom notification sounds for new orders on Android and iOS platforms.
+ [ADDED] Become a Provider: Added a “Become a Provider” button in the Customer application.
+ [IMPROVED] Provider-Specific Flows: Modified the “atDoorstep” and “atStore” flows to be provider-specific, offering more flexibility.
+ [IMPROVED] Improved Notifications: Enhancements to web and app notifications for a better user experience.
+ [IMPROVED] Enhanced User Validation: Improved system user validations in the admin panel to restrict access based on privileges.
+ [IMPROVED] UI and Application Improvements: Enhanced the user interface and made improvements across panels and applications.
+ [COMPATIBLE] Flutter v3.13.4 - Seamlessly utilize the latest Flutter features. 

Version 1.9.0

( 11 Aug 2023 )

+[Added] Profile Image Crop Option in the Customer App
+[Added] At-Doorstep and At-Store Booking Options
+[Added] Subscription Module for Providers
+[Added] Ongoing and Previous Orders in the Feature Section
+[Added]  Dynamic Panel Login Page Background 

Version 1.8.0

( 28 June 2023 )

+ [Added] Enhanced service details by adding service descriptions, images, reviews, FAQs, and multiple download brochures/files.
+ [Added] Expanded provider details with business hours, gallery (other images), and description.
+ [Improved] Redesigned the Provider details and service details screen to enhance visual appeal and usability.
+ [Compatible] Flutter v3.10.5 - Seamlessly utilize the latest Flutter features. 

Version 1.7.0

( 19 June 2023 )

+ [Added] Reorderable Feature Sections
+ [Added] Dynamic Slider Animation with Indicators
+ [Added] Admin Panel Promo Code Editing and Deletion
+ [Redesigned] Admin Panel Template - Fresh look and improved user interface
+ [Improved] Timeslot Issue
+ [Compatible] Flutter v3.10.5 - Seamlessly utilize the latest Flutter features 

Version 1.6.0

( 29 Apr 2023 )

+ [Added] Promo codes for providers by admins - more pricing and promotion flexibility
+ [Added] Login dialog in the customer app - streamlined login process
+ [Added] OTP system for bookings - enhanced security and verification
+ [Added] Service completion proof media upload by providers - increased transparency and accountability
+ [Added] Search place option in the provider app - simplified location selection
+ [Added] Haptic feedback in the customer app - improved user experience
+ [Added] Application shortcut - quicker app access
+ [Added] PayPal payment gateway - additional payment option for customers.
+ [Improvements] UI improvements + code optimization - enhanced visual design and optimized app performance. 

Version 1.5.0

( 08 Apr 2023 )

+ [Added] Cash Collection feature
+ [Added] Forgot Password with OTP feature for provider
+ [Updated] Bulk Update functionality in Payment Requests, Settlement, and Cash Collection
+ [Improvements] UI Improvements and Code Optimisation 

Version 1.4.0

( 14 Mar 2023 )

 + [Added]  Admin panel now includes an Edit Provider option.
 + [Added]  Provider Application now allows a provider to edit their personal details.
 + [Added]  Providers can now register through the application.
 + [Added]  Customers can now download invoices for completed services through the application.
 + [Added]  Provider panel now includes a review section.
 + [Added]  Providers can change their passwords within the application.
 + [Added]  System mail has been added for booking-related, provider withdrawal requests, and earning settlements, etc...
 + [Added]  The Send Notification Section now includes options for URL, category, and provider notification type.
 + [Improvements] System notifications for booking-related, provider withdrawal requests, and earning settlements have been improved.
 + [fixes] Various bug fixes and improvements have been made. 

Version 1.3.0

( 28 Mar 2023 )

+ [Added]  share provider details option (customer application)
+ [Added]  All booking filter option (customer application)
+ [Added]  Manage Address Screen (customer application)
+ [Added]  Images in Notification (customer application)
+ [Added]  Category Image Background color
+ [Added]  Notification in Panel for New order & New Provider Registration
+ [Added]  Image option fore reviews
+ [Added]  start direction directly in Google map from booking (provider app)
+ [Added]  Animations in app & UI Improvements
+ [Improve]  Nearby provider  algorithm
+ [Improve]  Multiple Language option for panels
+ [Update]  Compatible with flutter 3.7.0
+ [Fix]  Improvements & bug fixes 

Version 1.2.0

( 20 Dec 2022 )

+ Added Delete account option in Provider application
+ Added App update option with force update option
+ Added Maintenance mode option with schedule maintenance
+ Implemented refund via Bank APIs
+ Improved image compression for quick loading
+ Optimised time slot options
+ Improvements and issues fixed 

Version 1.1.0

( 03 Dec 2022 )

+ Added Provider app
+ Added payment details option in customer app
+ Added webhook of each payment gateway
+ Improvements and bug fixes 


What is eDemand & Why choose eDemand?


eDemand lets you create a marketplace for the various service providers around the city who can provide their customers with direct home & doorstep services.


Who can use eDemand?


eDemand is especially for this service providers

  • House Keeping
  • Beauty & Salon
  • Electricians
  • Plumbing
  • Painting
  • Renovation
  • Mechanics
  • & Much more…


eDemand is best suitable for most service types like House Keeping, Beauty & Salon, Electricians, Plumbing, Painting, Renovations, Mechanics, and much more. Indeed, It is an intelligent solution for sophisticated businesses like Services on Demand at Home / Doorstep.


App Features


Let’s begin with the great features of the eDemand application


Home Page


o make it easier and faster for the user to choose the Services & Service Providers, we have placed as many as more on the main page.


Service Providers


Here you’ll find all service providers nearby you with ratings and basic visiting charges


Service Categories


All categories and subcategories with their services will be available


Service Details


On this screen, you can see all the information about the Service Provider, Total list of services. Rating & Reviews of service and also average bill of service


Schedule your Service with Time Slots


You can even schedule your service by selecting a date and time with available slots


Manage Service Location Address


Add once and use multiple times, all of your addresses for upcoming services with accurate details about your location and the address of the service to be performed.


Promo code (Coupons)


Let your providers share discounts with their customers with the help of promo codes managed by themselves.



like Stripe, RazorPay, Paystack, and Pay on Service


Reviews & Ratings


You may find INFORMATIVE Review and Rating for Specific service Providers / Service




Include frequently using places in your favorite




Notifications for all the important events and alerts to keep your customers and providers up-to-date.




eDemand provides support for multi-language for a more convenient way to use the system.


Dark & Light Mode


Let your app users enjoy their favorite mode, Dark mode for low light lovers and Light mode for bright light lovers.


Admin Panel Features


Let’s go ahead and begin what eDemand offers you.




Multi-Vendor system for Providers / Partners with an option to register as an Individual or Organization.


Time Slots


Dynamic and Accurate Time-slots allotment based on Partner’s upcoming bookings and availabilities.


Orders Management


More options to manage Orders efficiently like Confirmation, Cancellation, or Rescheduling of the Order.



Geolocation-based Service or Provider/Partner searching functionality.




To Run your business in Multiple Cities flawlessly.


Support System


Support & Complaint system for issues or query resolution of customers and providers.


Fully Customizable


Fully Customizable App and Admin panel with options to run the system as desired.


Unlimited Categories


Categories and Sub Categories to let you classify your services.


Offer & Discounts


Promo codes for customers managed by providers to give discounts on orders.


Commissions & Earnings


Earnings and provider-wise commissions for the System admin option.


Online Cart


Online cart functionality with a Single Provider/Partner’s services to the cart at a time.


Taxes & Invoices


The global taxation system for the Providers of their services with detailed invoices option.

And Much More…


You will be getting

Flutter Code : Customers & Providers
Codeigniter : Super Admin Panel & Provider Panel
Installation Guide : Documentation

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