Flutter Complete Dating App for Android & iOS with Admin Panel v1.1.0

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Flutter Complete Dating App for Android & iOS with Admin Panel is a fully functional application ready for production. All you need to do is set up your information to build and release it on your Google Play Store or Apple Store account.

It comes with the following interesting features: In-App purchases – ( VIP Subscriptions based), Admob Ads, Multi-language support, Push notifications and and much more…

Start Making Money Online with VIP Subscriptions and Google Admob Ads – Check the screenshot below:

VIP subscriptions and Admob

Check full list of features below.

This Dating App project will save your development time and thousands of dollars to develop complex dating app like this with tinder style profile cards.


What you will get

3-Apps + Documentation.

  • Full App Source Code for Android and iOS
  • Web Admin Panel Source Code
  • Full Documentation

Launch your Dating App today and get back your investment instantly!

App Features

  • VIP Subscriptions – (In-app purchases)
  • Admob Interstials Ads
  • Multi-language support
  • Push notifications – (New like, visit and message)
  • Swipe Left/Right – (like tinder profile cards)
  • It’s a Match dialog
  • Chat with text and image
  • Sign in with phone number
  • Report User Profile feature
  • Profile statistics (Total likes, visits, dislikes)
  • Share the app with friends
  • Rate app on app stores
  • Get location by GPS
  • Show Users based on geolocation distance radius in (km)
  • Update location
  • Change max distance radius in (km)
  • Change age range filter
  • Alert user to enable GPS
  • Redirect user to enable location permission in device settings
  • Redirect user to blocked account screen
  • Redirect user to update app
  • Passport feature – New update
  • Backend with Cloud Firestore
  • Firebase Free Account Support

App Screens

  • Splash Screen
  • Sign In Screen
  • Login with Phone Number Screen
  • Verification Code Screen (OTP)
  • Sign Up Screen
  • Home Screen
  • Profile Screen
  • Profile Likes Screen
  • Profile Visits Screen
  • Disliked Profiles Screen
  • Edit Profile Screen
  • Notifications Screen
  • Chat Screen
  • It’s Match Dialog
  • About Us Screen
  • Blocked Account Screen
  • Enable Location Screen
  • Settings Screen
  • Update App Screen
  • Passport Screen


  • Discover Tab
  • Matches Tab
  • Conversations Tab
  • Profile Tab


Beautiful outline SVG icons used in project


Do you want to launch a Successful Dating App Business?
Be different and Extend your Dating App with our Extra Features below:

1.) Video Call & Voice Call features
Make your App Interesting with Video Call & Voice Call features and Make more Money with In-App Purchases by enabling this feature only for VIP Members.
Check the screenshot below:

Video Call & Voice Call features

Key features:
- Make Video Call – on tap box switch video preview to large screen
- Make Audio Call
- Call duration
- Ringtone Sounds
- Incoming Video/Voice Call Screen
- Incoming Call Push Notifications
- On Cancel Call – Send Missed call Notification & Message

2.) STORIES feature
Make your App Popular & Social with Stories feature like WhatsApp & Instagram Apps and Make more Money with In-App Purchases by enabling this feature only for VIP Members.
Check the screenshot below:

STORIES feature
Key features:
Options to Add a Story:
- Record a Video from camera
- Take a Picture from camera
- Write a Text story
- Pick Video / Image in Gallery
Other features:
- Show Nearby Stories in app
- Send Comments on stories
- Flag inappropriate stories
- Manage the Flagged Stories from your Admin Panel

3.) Social logins:
Engage your Users with more Sign-in options!
Check the screenshot below:

Social logins

  • Facebook login
  • Apple login
  • Google login

4.) Online/Offline status features


Please check the screenshot below:

Compare the Licenses & Benefits


Please check the screenshot below for more info.


What are you waiting for?
Take your Dating App to the high level and become the next success on the App Stores Market and duplicate your In-App Purchases Sales Revenue!

Purchase your Extended License Now and get all the Extra Features Bundle & Benefits described above!

Note: After purchase send us your email & invoice confirmation on our WhatsApp to get link to download the Advanced Dating App with Extra Features included.


Chat with us on WhatsApp Business

Please check this link: Flutter Dating App – WhatsApp Business to Chat with us.

Note: Our WhatsApp Business is only for Extra Features Inquires & Pre-Sale questions, if you need our support, please send us your issues details to our email: info.dating.app@gmail.com

Thanks for your cooperation!

Project requirements

  • Flutter SDK v3.19.x
  • Android compile SDK version: 34 or later
  • Recommended Editors IDE: Visual Studio Code / Android Studio to Edit the dating app on your machine.
  • Latest Xcode IDE to build iOS App

Download the Demo APK

Download the Flutter Dating APK

Passport feature: Searching for Places on map is disabled in the demo application, you will only see your current location on the map instead.

Refund Policy

Note: We do not issue refund if you have downloaded our item and make sure you have basic knowledge with Flutter & Dart and other required tools described on this page to be able to setup your dating app.
Or if you don’t have experience with such technologies, you can hire our Rebranding & Installation Services to get your app ready for production
If you have any questions related to our dating app, please feel free to contact us before purchasing it!
Our email address for support:info.dating.app@gmail.com

Pre-Sale questions

If you have any Pre-Sale inquiries, please feel free to Chat with us on WhatsApp Or send your inquiries to our email: info.dating.app@gmail.com.

About our Support & Working Days

  • Working Days: Monday to Friday
  • Business Hours: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Time Zone: GMT+2

Note: we don’t provide support through comments, if you are facing any issue please make sure to send your issue details to our email address for support:: info.dating.app@gmail.com

Admin Panel Features

Dashboard Screen:

  • Show Users Estatistic in Real Time
  • Total Active Users
  • Total Verified Users
  • Total Flagged Users
  • Total Bloked Users

Users Screen:

  • Show List of Users
  • Search User by: ID, Name and Phone number
  • Sort Users by: Name, Gender and Status

User Profile Screen:

  • View User Profile Info
  • Block User Account
  • Activate User Account
  • Copy User ID
  • Copy User Phone number

Flagged Users Screen:

  • Show List of Flagged Users
  • Delete flag alert

App Settings Screen:

  • Save/Update your App Settings

In-App Purchases:

  • Add your VIP Subscriptions Plans

Push Notifications:

  • Send Push Notifications to all users

Sign In Screen:

  • Admin Sign In with Username and Password

Admin Profile Screen:

  • Save/Update Admin Username and Password

Admin Panel Screenshots

Admin Panel Sign In

Admin Panel Sign In

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard Menu

Admin Dashboard Menu

Admin List of Users

Admin List of Users

Admin App Settings

Admin App Settings

Admin In-App Purchases

Admin In-App Purchases

Admin Push Notifications

Admin Push Notifications

Admin Profile

Admin Profile

User Profile info

User Profile info

Test Admin Panel Online

Click here to test Admin Panel
Login Credentials:
Username: Demo

What you will get

3-Apps + Documentation.

  • Full App Source Code for Android and iOS
  • Admin Panel Source Code
  • Full Documentation

4 June 2024 – Update

 - Dating App Project UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter v3.22.x
- Dependencies - UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter v3.22.x
- Bug fixes and some improvements. 

12 May 2024 – Update

 - Dating App Project UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter v3.19.x
- Dependencies - UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter v3.19.x
- Bug fixes and some improvements. 

09 February 2024 – Update

 - Dating App Project UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter v3.16.x
- Dependencies - UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter v3.16.x
- Bug fixes and some improvements. 

November 01, 2023


 - Dating App & Admin Panel UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter SDK v3.13.x
- Packages dependencies - UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter SDK v3.13.x
- Bug fixes and some improvements. 

June 08, 2023


 - Dating App & Admin Panel UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter SDK v3.10.x
- Packages dependencies - UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter SDK v3.10.x
- Bug fixes and some improvements. 

February 12, 2023


 - Dating App & Admin Panel UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter SDK v3.7.x
- Packages dependencies - UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter SDK v3.7.x
- Bug fixes and some improvements. 

October 27, 2022


 - Dating App v1.0.8 & Admin Panel v1.0.8 Projects UPGRADED to support the latest Flutter SDK v3.3.x
    - Packages dependencies - Updated.
    - In-App Purchases Billing Version issues - Fixed.
    - Minor changes and some improvements. 

July 26, 2022


 - Dating App & Admin Panel upgraded to support the latest Flutter SDK v3.x
    - Packages dependencies - Updated.
    - Bug fixes and some improvements. 

March 28, 2022


  This feature is required to comply with "Google Play/App Store Policies" - <strong>(UGC)</strong> = User Generated Content. <br />
  And now the Blocked Users will not be able to send messages on chat to give more privacy to your users.
  - NEW FEATURE - Generate splash screen logo
  - Bug fixes and some improvements. 

March 12, 2022


 - Dating App & Admin Panel upgraded to support the latest Flutter SDK v2.10.x & Dart v2.16.x .
    - Packages dependencies - Updated.
    - Bug fixes and some improvements. 

November 23, 2021


 - Update to the latest Flutter SDK 2.5.x & Dart 2.14.x
    - Packages dependencies - Updated.
    - Restore Subscription Button - Released.
    - Order VIP Subscriptions Prices in ASC - Released.
    - Remove the Android (App Name) from VIP Package Title - Released.
    - App got stuck in OTP sending screen for iOS version - Fixed.
    - iOS Podfile - Fixed.
    - Update VIP Max Distance method - Fixed. 

May 03, 2021


<strong>New features:</strong>
 - Project Migrated to Flutter SDK v2.x.x & Dart Null-Safety
 - All packages dependencies migrated to Null-Safety Support
 - Passport feature – Added
 - Terms of Service & iOS Version Control – Added
 - Minor changes & some improvements

<strong>Bug fixes:</strong> 
 - Duplicated Likes – Fixed
 - Duplicated Dislikes – Fixed
 - Duplicated Notifications – Fixed
 - Show own profile on Discover – Fixed
 - Repeat Showing Liked Profiles on Discover – Fixed
 - Age calculation – Fixed
 - Minor changes & some improvements 


<strong>New features:</strong>
- Project Migrated to Flutter SDK v2.x.x & Dart Null-Safety
- All packages dependencies migrated to Null-Safety Support
- iOS Version Control field – Added
- Terms of Service field – Added
- Search & Order Users by: Country and City – Added
- Minor changes & some improvements

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