FoodAppi - PWA Food Delivery System and WhatsApp Menu Ordering with Admin Panel | Restaurant POS v1.1

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Introducing “FoodAppi” revolutionizes food delivery with its progressive web application (PWA) interface, enabling admin to receive orders via WhatsApp. Its robust admin panel streamlines restaurant management and enhances efficiency. Integrated POS offers a comprehensive solution for food and restaurant businesses, promising convenience and effectiveness.

FoodAppi Demo
What's included with the FoodAppi PWA food delivery system application, made by Envato elite author
FoodAppi restaurant PWA user website
FoodAppi WhatsApp menu ordering
16 payment Gateway integrated with foodappi
8 sms Gateway integrated with foodappi
FoodAppi multi-language and RTL support
All features of foodappi and why will you choose it?
All features of foodappi and why will you choose it?
Powerfull admin panel
FoodAppi Restaurant Pos system | advanced restaurant point of sale system
foodappi built with latest technology like laravel, vue
FoodAppi Documentation FoodAppi Support FoodAppi Community

Demo Credentials


password: 123456
Pos Operator
password: 123456


Version 1.1 (09 Jun 2024)
- Added Iyzico Payment gateway.
- Added Pesapal Payment gateway.
- Zip code minor bugs fix.
- Time slot minor bugs fix.
- Style minor bugs fix. 
Version 1.0 (05 May 2024)
- Initial Releas

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