Grow CRM - Laravel Project Management - v2.4

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Grow is a client relationship management application, with full project management features. Grow combines many of the various tools that you require, in one easy-to-use application. These include tasks, invoices, leads, estimates and much more.


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Password: growcrm

Password: growcrm
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CRM Features

We have given attention to every design element. The final result is what we believe to be an extremely user-friendly application. The application gives you and your clients a single point of contact, to collaborate on projects.


Project Management

You no longer need to use multiple tools to get the job done. The application comes with very advanced features to help you manage your projects. Make your life even easier by taking advantage of the project templates feature and also the project cloning feature.


Task Management

Get the job done by making sure you complete your tasks on time. Use the application’s advanced features such as task cloning, task timers, task reminders and many more, to make your work easier and more efficient. You can assign tasks to your team members and also to your clients.


Time Tracking

Keep track of the amount of time that you spend on your projects, The CRM comes with a full-featured time-tracking solution. You can start and stop your timer or manually record the time spent working on a task. You can then easily bill your clients for the time recorded.


Invoices & Payments

We have created a very easy-to-use invoicing system. There is now no need for you to use a third party invoicing application. The CRM enables you to create invoices with many options, such as time billing, product billing, task billing etc. Your clients are automatically sent their invoice via email and they can easily pay for it via credit card or PayPal.



This feature enables you to bill your clients for your products and services, automatically. You can set the billing cycle to weekly, monthly, yearly etc. The system will automatically generate a new invoice and charge your client’s credit card automatically



Clients are more willing to commit to a project when they have an idea of the total cost. The application comes with a very easy-to-use tool for you to create and email estimates to your customers. Your customer can then review and accept your estimates very easily.



First impressions count. Impress your prospective clients with beautifully crafted project proposals. No design skills required, with our easy-to-use interface.


Recurring Billing

You can create daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly recurring invoices. The system will automatically create a new invoice and email it to your client.


Leads & Opportunities

Keep track of your opportunities and nurture your leads into paying customers. You can easily capture new leads, using our very advanced form builder. You can then embed your lead-capturing forms on any website.



Lower your customer support time by offering your customers access to self-service information and help repository. You can even create a video knowledge base, by using the YouTube video gallery feature of the knowledgebase,


Workflow Automation

Project and estimate workflow automation allow you to automate repetitive tasks. You can determine what happens when an estimate has been accepted by your client or what happens when a project has been marked as completed. Automations improve your team’s productivity and help to ensure that nothing is missed in your workflow.


Task Dependency Management

Creating relationships between your tasks to ensure that work in completed in a prescribed sequence. You can lock a task from being started or being completed, until the task it is dependent on has been completed. Dependency management allows your diverse team to synchronize their work.

Grow CRM - Laravel Project Management - 9

Server Requirements

  • PHP 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
  • Apache Web Server
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • MySQL (or MariaDB) Database
  • GD Library > or = v2.0

Change Log

Version 2.4 – 1 February 2024

 Added - Dark theme (Midnight) now included
            Added - Prestige theme now included
            Added - Export invoices
            Added - Export expenses 
            Added - Export payments 
            Added - Export estimates 
            Added - Export timesheets
            Added - Customize projects table view
            Added - Customize clients table view
            Added - Create custom task priorities
            Added - Set colors for milestones
            Added - Display milestone on task Kanban view
            Added - Show contracts on customer page
            Added - bulk add items for invoices and estimates (entire product categories)
            Added - Add products to estimate when creating a proposal
            Fixed - Estimate PDF download
            Fixed - Lead for not sending email to admin
            Fixed - Error updating user preferences when on settings pages
            Fixed - Contracts & proposals filter by category
            Fixed - Error importing client custom fields 

Version 2.3 – 9 November 2023

 Added - Detailed reports
            Added - Paystack payment gateway
            Added - Direct URL to view estimates without logging into the CRM
            Added - Export projects
            Added - Bulk change project statuses
            Added - Bulk assign projects
            Added - Bulk change leads status
            Added - Custom table column view (Leads)
            Added - Bulk change leads status
            Added - Bulk assign leads
            Added - Archive support tickets
            Added - Additional date formats
            Added - Ability to reset all users current theme setting
            Added - Filter expenses by team members
            Fixed - Missing exit setting button on mobile
            Fixed - Exporting clients giving limited results
            Fixed - Webmail email templates (clients and leads)
            Fixed - PDF Invoice totals alignment
            Fixed - Custom fields date formatting
            Fixed - Various bugs 

Version 2.2 – 15 June 2023

 Added – Remember filters (Tickets)
        Added – Google reCAPTCHA
        Added – Edit timesheets
        Added – In-line ticket replies
        Added – Edit and delete ticket replies
        Added – Show tags and reminders of kanban cards
        Added – Added search box to custom fields dropdowns
        Added – Add custom CSS for invoice and estimate pdf files
        Fixed – Various bugs 

Version 2.1 – 6 February 2023 [Maintenance Release]

 Fixed – Language icon not showing
        Fixed – Upload client files
        Fixed – Tickets statuses in emails
        Fixed - Task permissions 

Version 2.0 – 20 January 2023 [See Full Details]

 Added – PHP 8 support
      Added – Instant team messaging (chat)
      Added – Contracts
      Added – Contract templates
      Added – Proposal templates
      Added – Tap payment gateway
      Added – Custom ticket statuses
      Added – Arrange invoice and estimate line items
      Fixed - Various bugs 

Version 1.12 – 9 October 2022 [See Full Details]

 Added – Invoice line tax
      Added – Estimates line tax
      Added – Estimate product notes
      Added – Product-based tasks for estimate automation
      Added – Task dependencies for estimate automation
      Added – Attach files to estimates
      Added – Attach files to invoices
      Added – Project cover images
      Added – Copy files between projects
      Added – Use custom fields in filtering
      Fixed - Various bugs 

Version 1.11 – 4 September 2022 [See Full Details]

 Added – Estimates workflow automation
      Added – Projects workflow automation
      Added – Task dependencies
      Added – Export clients
      Added – Export tickets
      Added – Email leads
      Added – Set user home page
      Added – Assign tasks to clients
      Added – File folders
      Added – Email notifications for reminders
      Added – Email leads
      Added – Tasks & Leads Kanban paginated loading
      Fixed - Various bugs 

Version 1.10 – 15 July 2022

 Fixed - Maintenance update 

Version 1.09 – 2 June 2022 [See Full Details]

 Added - Updated to Laravel 8
      Added - Project Proposals
      Added - Assign tasks to clients
      Added - Ability to change next Invoice ID
      Added - Ability to change next Estimate ID
      Added - Ability to change next Invoice ID
      Fixed - The client cannot create a task
      Fixed - Timesheets manual time recording
      Fixed - Exit text too long in settings
      Fixed - Settings tax rates menu
      Fixed - Estimate and invoice custom fields display
      Fixed - Clients webmail templates
      Fixed - Lead forms submissions counter
      Fixed - Leads converted to a client - welcome email 

Version 1.08 – 1 February, 2022

 Added - Projects card grid view
      Added - Project category based user permissions
      Added - Recurring Tasks
      Added - Allows users to set their own theme
      Added - View email queue and email delivery log
      Added - Download and manage system error logs
      Added - Edit Payments
      Added - Rename project files
      Added - Importing leads - made custom fields easier to import
      Added - Leads and tasks search now has wider scope
      Added - Show client name on task cards
      Added - SMTP debugging tool
      Added - Easier assigning of project team members
      Added - Easier changing of project progress
      Fixed - Task date not updating correctly in task modal
      Fixed - Task not loading in projects page
      Fixed - Tickets timeline viewing permissions
      Fixed - PDF invoices Euro symbol not showing correctly
      Fixed - Project templates user roles setting 

Version 1.07 – 24 October, 2021

 Fixed - Project progress not updating
      Fixed - Email delivery problems after v.106 update
      Fixed - Client webmail
      Fixed - Client cannot create a task
      Fixed - Email PDF is not sent in default system language
      Fixed - New users language is not being set to the system language 

Version 1.06 – 29 September, 2021

 Added – Lead web forms – Create multiple forms to capture leads from your website.
      Added – Clone Tasks – Quickly make a duplicate copy of a task
      Added – Clone Leads – Quickly make a duplicate copy of a lead
      Added – Knowledge base video gallery
      Added – Send emails directly to a client user from the CRM
      Added – Custom task statuses – You can now create custom task statuses
      Updated – See all previous notifications using the new improved notifications panel
      Updated – Show the project title on a task (Kanban)
      Updated – New custom fields editor
      Fixed – Various other bugs 

Version 1.05 – 9 August, 2021

 Added – Reminders – Set individual reminders for projects, tasks, leads, etc
      Added – Embed YouTube video in knowledgebase, projects, tasks and leads
      Added – App Modules Selection. Select which CRM modules you want to use.
      Added – Limit CRM modules/features on a client by client basis
      Added – Overdue task reminder
      Added – Overdue invoice reminder
      Added – Leads & tasks – added notes and a new tabbed interface
      Updated – Added a ‘client details’ section for each client
      Updated – Custom fields -added new form field types and improved interface
      Updated – New role settings, allowing managing of team members
      Fixed – Filter estimates status
      Fixed – Assign task users scrollbar
      Fixed – Preselect assigned users in tasks and leads modals
      Fixed – Various other bugs 

Version 1.04 – 12 May, 2021

 Added – Project templates
      Added – Clone projects
      Updated – Time tracking
      Updated – Invoice price adjustment
      Updated – Estimate price adjustment
      Updated – Show additional company information on invoices & estimates
      Updated – Advanced text editor features for projects
      Fixed – Project payments summary
      Fixed – PDF showing ??? for non-Latin languages
      Fixed – Task checklist styling
      Fixed – Upload avatar error 

Version 1.03 – 4 April, 2021

 Added – Importing Leads – (CSV & EXCEL)
      Added – Importing Clients – (CSV & EXCEL)
      Added – Convert an estimate to an invoice
      Added – Clone estimates
      Added – Mollie payment gateway
      Added – Direct time tracking
      Added – Invoice and estimate opening tracking
      Updated – Dynamic client creation
      Updated – Allow/prevent clients from accessing the dashboard
      Updated – Enable/disable all outbound client email
      Fixed – Updating lead status not refreshing table row
      Fixed – Login popup
      Fixed – converting leads error
      Fixed – Client category not working
      Fixed – Estimates menu not showing on project page 

Version 1.02 – 10 February, 2021

 Added – Customer subscription billing
      Added – Create custom fields for clients, projects and task
      Added – Razorpay payment gateway
      Added – 29 language translations
      Added – Archive projects, tasks, leads
      Added – Email delivery testing with a “send test email” feature
      Added – Add ability to add your own custom JavaScript & CSS
      Updated – Allow multiple lines for invoice line item descriptions
      Updated – Ability for the admin to update user passwords
      Fixed – Invoice & estimate email PDF attachments formatting
      Fixed – Support tickets title error
      Fixed – Currency symbol on payments section of invoices
      Fixed – Task and lead comments not fully displaying
      Fixed- Recurring invoices
      Fixed – Knowledgebase mobile view
      Fixed – Clients unable to create new tasks
      Fixed – Broken product items search
      Fixed – Broken file download links for Mac users
      Fixed – various other bugs 

Version 1.01 – 26 November, 2020

 Added - Dashboard payments and invoices stats clickable
      Added - Admin can add scripts in head and body (e.g. google analytics)
      Fixed - Modal windows not correctly displaying Cyrillic symbols
      Fixed - Unable to edit default milestones
      Fixed - Deleted staff member increasing the count for users in a given role
      Fixed - Installer get stuck on some operating systems
      Fixed - Task and lead checklists not working correctly
      Fixed - Unable to delete some categories
      Fixed - Create lead sources – popup opens blank

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