HRM - Ultimate HR System App with Admin Panel v3.0

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Onest HRM Application

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SAAS Login

Web Link:
Password: 12345678 

App Staff Login

Web Link:
Password: 12345678
company : demo company 

Admin Login

Web Link:
Password: 12345678
company : demo company 

Mobile App Login

Mobile App Link:
Password: 12345678
Password: 12345678 

HRM software is needed to streamline HR processes, improve data management, enhance decision-making, and foster collaboration. It automates and centralizes HR tasks, providing valuable insights and analytics, and facilitating communication and teamwork among HR professionals, managers, and employees.

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Change log

- The theme ID issue has been resolved and the location provider class has been updated

- Removed unused packages and deleted dead code

- Today’s summary list bug has been fixed and the current month issue has been resolved
- An issue with the position of the bottom navigation bar icon has been resolved

- Arabic translation added to attendance and leave module
- Update the Google service.json class

- Splash screen bug fixed
- Live tracking feature improvement

Core Features

  • Employee Management
    • Employee List (manage)
    • Profile View
    • Contract
    • Attendance
    • Notice
    • Leaves
    • Visit
    • Phone book
    • Advance Salary/ Loan Management
    • Payroll / Salary management
    • Projects
    • Task
    • Awards
    • Travels
    • Meetings
    • Appointment
    • Performance Management
    • Leave Management
  • Leave Management
    • Daily leave
    • Late Arrival
    • Early Departure
    • Leave without pay
    • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
    • Regular Leave
    • Leave type
    • Leave Assign
    • Leave Balance
    • Leave Request
    • Leave Approval
    • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
    • Leave Approval
    • Approve or Reject the leave
    • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
    • Leave Balance
    • Calculate the leave balance
    • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
  • User & Roles Permissions
    • User(CRUD)
    • User(Role)
    • User(Permission)
    • Designation(CRUD)
    • Department(CRUD)
  • Attendance
    • Weekend (CRUD)
    • Holiday (CRUD)
    • Attendance (CRUD)
    • Duty Schedule (CRUD)
    • Company Management (CRUD)
  • Expense Management
    • Expense (CRUD)
    • Expense Search & Export List
    • Expense Approval
      • Approve or Reject the expense
      • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
    • Expense Balance
      • Calculate the expense balance
      • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
    • Manage Claim (CRUD)
    • Payment History
      • Search and export Payment History
      • Payment Logs
      • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
  • Visits
    • Visit (CRUD)
    • Visit Search & Export List
    • Employee Visit
    • Search and export Employee Visit list
    • Expense calculation on visit
    • Notify to employee using push notification
    • visit report with google map
  • Team Management
    • Team (CRUD)
    • Team Member (CRUD)
    • Manage Team lead
    • Assign Team lead
    • Search and export Team Lead list
  • Support
    • Support Ticket (CRUD)
    • Support Ticket Search & Export List
    • Support Ticket Approval
    • Approve or Reject the support ticket
    • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
    • Support Ticket Balance
    • Calculate the support ticket balance
    • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
    • Support Ticket Report
    • Search and export support ticket report
    • Support Ticket logs
    • Notify to HR and Team Lead using push notification
  • Announcement
    • Announcement (CRUD)
    • Announcement Search & Export List
    • Send Notification
    • Send Notification
    • Search and export Notification list
  • Project Management
    • Manage Project (Crud)
    • Task
    • File
    • Discussions
    • Notes
    • Member Assign
    • Activity Logs
  • Task Management
    • Manage Task (Crud)
    • File
    • Discussions
    • Notes
    • Member Assign
    • Activity Logs
  • Client Management
    • Payroll
    • Commissions
  • Setup
    • Advance
    • Salary
  • Reports
    • Attendance report
    • Live Location Tracking
    • Location history
    • Break Report
    • Visit reports
    • Payment reports
    • Others

Upcoming Features

  • Video Conference (In Web Application)
  • Roster Shift / Custom Weekend Setup / Emergency Alert
  • Live Chat with Employee ( In web Application)
  • Payment ( Hourly / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly)
  • Multi-language supported ( Built in English, Spanish, French, Arabic )
  • Recruitment and Applicant Tracking
  • Training and Development
  • Compliance and Reporting
  • Analytics and Insights

Technologies used:

  • Flutter Framework
  • Dart
  • Provider
  • Google Map
  • Hive

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