Linkdrop - SaaS Link Management Tool v3.5.3

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Feature-Request Feature-Request

Latest Version 3.5.3 - 24 Nov 2023
Fix: Fix some little issues.
Fix: Fixed custom-created page view issue.
New: Added a new section to manage dynamic app translation.
New: Admin can add their own language for translating the app from the admin panel.
Update: Updated link analytics page with different charts.

Latest Version 3.5.2 - 06 November 2023
Fix: Fixed some issues.
New: Added a system for admin to export table data.

Latest Version 3.5.1 - 31 October 2023

Fix: Fixed purchase key verification issue.
Remove: Removed SMTP credentials set up option during installation.

Latest Version 3.5.0 - 25 October 2023

New: Added an option to set up and check SMTP credentials during installation.
New: Added an option to super admin during installation.
New: Added an automated version update powerful system from the admin dashboard.
New: Added a new page inside the admin dashboard where the admin can update the app version to the latest version with one click.

Latest Version 3.4.2 - 14 October 2023
Fix: Fixed language change issue of multi-language feature.

Latest Version 3.4.1 - 13 October 2023
Fix: Fixed bio-link block delete issue.
Fix: Fixed dashboard chart data view issue.
Update: Project QR codes view title by project name.
Update: Biolink customize and visit buttons have added color. 

Default LOGIN INFO :

Super Admin: Pass: superadmin

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