MailTidy - Email List Cleaner SAAS Application v2.4

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Admin Email: Password: Admin@123

Client Email: Password: demo@123

Changelog - Version 2.4 (24th April 2024)
1. Small bug fixes.
2. Code Optimizations.

Changelog - Version 2.3.1 (6th Jan 2024)
1. Fixed NULL error.
2. Small bug fixes.

Changelog - Version 2.3.3 (1st April 2024)
1. UI bug fixes.
2. Misc optimizations.

Version 2.3 (20th Oct 2023)
1. Optimized processes for big email lists.
2. Small bug fixes.

Version 2.2.2 (12th Oct 2023)
1. Bug Fixes.

Version 2.2.1 (22nd Sept 2023)
1. UI Improvements.
2. More Validations.

Version 2.1.2 (5th Oct 2023)
1. MailWizz API Updated.

Version 2.1.2 (1st Sept 2023)
1. UI Improvements.

Version 2.1.1 (25th Aug 2023)
1. Queue system now has retry option for failed jobs.
2. Various enhancements to make the scripts better for customers.

Version 1.5 (7th Aug 2023)
1. Fixed address in invoice settings.
2. Added option to dynamically set rate of 'price as you go' credits.

Version 1.4 (5th Aug 2023)
1. Added time zones for clients.
2. Fixed small bugs.

Version 1.3.1 (4th Aug 2023)
1. Improved error messages.
2. UI Changes for better user experience.

Version 1.3.0 (3rd Aug 2023)
1. Improved loader performance and animations.
2. Updated login interface for a more intuitive user experience.
3. Revamped sign-up interface with enhanced usability and aesthetics.
4. Added "Forgot Password" feature for password recovery during Signup.
5. Introduced an admin panel with advanced management capabilities.
6. Added user-side functionality for a comprehensive user experience.
7. Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy options added in Admin Settings.
8. Fixed user interface issues related to default single email check.
9. Resolved issues with dark mode display and interactions.
10. Added 3 new autoresponders - MailWizz, GetResponse and Constant Contact
11. Integrated SMTP settings for enhanced email configuration.
12. Set Default autoresponder for client emails who will be using the SAAS app.
13. Updated email validation library for better accuracy and security.
14. Fixed main color theme to ensure consistency throughout the application.

Version 1.2.1 (28th July 2023): 
Added new features:
1. Customize website color.
2. Verify Single Email on the dashboard as well as the register/login page.

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