Markeet - Ecommerce Android App v5.0

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Markeet is android Online Store, this item is solution to run your online store, promotion and selling product through android application. Implement simple menu and navigation give your customers an amazing shopping experience. You can manage your product, category, news info, send notif and many more.

Develop with native language makes app run smooth and fast. Follow the latest design Google Material Design and beautiful animations effect. Good Design and Clean Code is our priority.

Admin side is integrated to manage product data, you can edit and update the data anywhere and anytime. FCM notification feature allow admin to send notifications to many users when there change with the data. Admin side build with PHP, angularJs, HTML and MySQL database, also follow the latest design Google Material Design trend.


  • Implement Material Design for Android
  • Hide on scroll actionbar
  • Material Drawer
  • Wishlish Menu
  • Shopping Cart
  • Order History Menu
  • Animated Floating action button
  • Notification With Image
  • Beatifull Home Screen
  • Custom Dialog With Icon
  • Animated Toolbar
  • Search All Product
  • Search Product By Category
  • Dynamic Category Color
  • Dynamic Category Icon
  • Dynamic Currency
  • Dynamic Tax
  • Slider For Featured News
  • Slider For Image Details
  • Webview For Description
  • Filter Search Product
  • Sort By Product ( time, price, discount )
  • Beauty Splash Screen
  • All in one request API
  • Light Server Request
  • Support Android ICS 4.0 and up
  • App Version Control
  • Beauty Card View
  • Support multiple Image for one product
  • Support multiple Category for one product
  • Android Parallax Scrollbar
  • Notifications Sound Setting
  • Shipping and Payment
  • Notification Vibration Setting
  • SQLite database for store offline data
  • Ripple Effect
  • Integrated with FCM push notification
  • Ads Banner & Interstitial Integrated
  • Remote Config for ad unit
  • Using Android Studio & Build Gradle
  • Clean & Neat Code (relative)
  • Implement Material Design Web Admin
  • Material Form
  • Material dialog view
  • Support Multi User
  • Responsive Web Admin
  • Responsive Drawer Menu
  • Categories Display Product
  • Search Product
  • Responsive Table Web Admin
  • Using Angular Material
  • Easy Customize color
  • All in one API url
  • Support multiple Image Upload
  • Support multiple Category for one Product
  • Integrated with FCM push notification
  • Notification With Image
  • Direct Notification Single User
  • Rich Text Editor
  • Sort By Product ( time, price, discount )
  • Manage News Info
  • Manage App Version
  • Manage Shipping Location
  • Integrated tih Payment Gateway
  • Ripple Effect
  • Material Drawer
  • Beauty Cardview
  • Dashboard Report
  • Light and Clean Code


  1. Full Android Source Code
  2. Full Admin Panel Source Code
  3. Android Project Documentation
  4. Admin Panel Documentation

Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 23

download To keep data clean, we separate web demo with data on android. DEMO ADMIN

username : user_markeet
password : user

APK DEBUG , but the data from this demo will look messy.

this apk debug you can use to try data with demo admin panel



Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 24

#UPDATE 5 - (20 Jan 2024)
- New fresh and clean UI design
- Update library and gradle to latest
- Add 9 ad networks Admob, Fan, IronSource, Google Ad Manager, Unity Ads, Startapp, Applovin, Applovin Max, and Wortise

#UPDATE 4.2 - (29 Aug 2023)
- Update target SDK to 34
- Update Gradle 8.1
- Update library version to latest
- Add notification permission for android 12
- Add multiple ad network support
- Code Improvement

#UPDATE v4.1.1 (11 Nov 2022)
- Fix dashboard data , 
- Update PHPMailer , 
- Fix failed product order, 

#UPDATE V 4.1 - (17 May 2022)
- Add Midtrans Payment Gateway for Indonesia, 
- Improve dashboard page admin panel,
- Update library version to latest

#UPDATE V 4.0.1 - (1 Feb 2022)
- Update target SDK to 31
- Update Gradle 7.0
- Update library version to latest

#UPDATE V 4.0 - (27 Jan 2021)
- Integrate with Payment Gateway (PayPal, RazorPay, Bank), 
- Add shipping feature, 
- Improve order history fetch with server, 
- Update latest gradle, library tools, 
- Improve deprecated code

# UPDATE V 3.0 - ( 08 Apr 2020 )
- Migrate to AndroidX, 
- Update latest gradle, library tools, 
- Improve admob placement, 
- Bug fix double email edit order admin panel

# UPDATE V 2.4 - ( 26 Oct 2019 )
- Update to SDK 28
- Update latest gradle tools
- Improve notification channel
- Fix cutted print page
- Fix incorrect price Submit Order admin panel
- Improve search result
- Improve HTML editor

# UPDATE V 2.3 - ( 2 Jan 2019 )
- Add product sort by ( time, price, discount ), 
- Improve failed request on scroll, 
- Add count badge on cart, 
- Add authorize for view order, 
- Add function print order, 
- Fix 'Out of Stock' status when order processed

# UPDATE V 2.2 - ( 3 Sep 2018 )
- Update latest library version, 
- Fix notification for oreo, 
- Add firebase remote config for ad unit, 
- Implement GDPR, 
- Fix blinking page transition, 
- Fix duplicate request paging, 
- Improve loading data,
- Fix email on empty BCC

# UPDATE V 2.1 - ( 18 Feb 2018 )
 -Fix miscalculation email order detail 
 -Improve order list 'From' 
 -Integrate with 'Markeet Web'

# UPDATE V 2.0 - ( 25 Nov 2017 )
 -Improve RTL layout android 
 -Add discount price feature 
 -Add feature mail sender

# UPDATE V 1.1 - ( 27 Feb 2017 )
 -Improve UI layout
 -Add security scheme

# UPDATE V 1.0 - ( 16 Feb 2017 )
 -Initial Release 

Extended License

HOSTING if you confuse when choosing hosting and domain provider, we have recommendation hosting provider that we use for all our product. This SSD hosting so make it fast. You can choose english language at bottom of every page. Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 25

POPULAR ITEMS Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 26 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 27 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 28 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 29 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 30 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 31 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 32 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 33 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 34 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 35 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 36 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 37 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 38 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 39 Markeet - Ecommerce Android App 5.0 - 40

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