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– Version : 1.4.7 Change Logs
– Provided Full Application : iOS, Android and Frontend website with Admin Panel
– You can build iOS | Android | Frontend Website| Admin Panel
Please aware for Envato’s official support policy at here : We would like to highlight some points from their official documentation.
If available support extend then
- Answering questions about how to use the item
- Answering technical questions about the item (and included third party assets)
- Help with defects in the item or included third party assets
- Item updates to ensure ongoing compatibility and to resolve security vulnerabilities
Although available support, the following will not be included.
- Item customization
- Installation of the item
- Hosting, server environment, or software
- Help from authors of included third party assets
Please note that our items do not include “extended support” officially, but we strive to provide the best possible service to all our clients for their convenience. Please aware about Panacea-Soft’s support policy at here. As an elite author on the Envato marketplace, our support policy aligns with Envato’s item support policy.
“PSX Multi Purpose Classified Flutter App with Laravel Admin Panel” which is using Flutter(for mobile app) and Laravel(for admin panel). It included a Mobile Project and Backend Admin panel. Our item is a full application with the admin panel so users are able to change and manage dynamically from the admin panel.
Advanced Feature with PSBuilder Portal?
If a user wants to add new fields then they don’t need to modify at coding because they can add new custom fields dynamically from PSBuilder Portal. Users are able to use the PSBuilder according to Envato’s license terms and conditions. Users are able to transfer between PSBuilder and Admin Panel by using OneClick Updater. So, the main benefit is users are able to switch easily to another niche with custom fields without coding modification. Moreover, when we release new version, it is able to jump your existing version to the latest version.
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