News Full App - Flutter App Android + iOS + Website - v3.0

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Flutter News Full App (Android + iOS + Website + Admin Panel) full app solution with PHP Laravel

Update Version 2 Date: 23-Dec-2022

* Upgraded Laravel Backend 6 to 8
* Upgraded Flutter 3
* Upgraded Admin Panel
* Added Dark & Light Mode In User App
* Added AdMob In User App
* Added Text to Speech In User App
* Added Font Size Customisations In User App
* Fixed Glitches 

Version 3.0 Release on 20 July 2023

* Upgraded UserApp to Latest Flutter Version 

Ultimate Flutter News App (InitNews) is a Flutter full app that allows you to use your app News App for both Android/iOS, Lots of different features of this app have been developed to make a smooth user experience for all users. Prebuild apps are designed to save your time and money, with help of this app you can save 1000+ developments hours and money

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  • Built with Flutter Version 2.8.0+
  • Getx StateManagement
  • Categories Based News
  • Banners With News and Ads
  • Features Like – News Comments, News Likes, News Save News Shares
  • Searching News
  • Video News
  • Multi-Languages
  • Introduction Sliders
  • Login / Register
  • Push Notifications on Every News
  • Full Dynamic
  • Over 20+ Elements and endless options to easily build creative layouts
  • A highly advanced network of options for easy customizations without modifying the code
  • A clean, modern, multi-purpose design which can be adapted and used for any website design and layout
  • Dual, flexible sidebars throughout the theme
  • Includes the Font Awesome icon set, fully integrated
  • Customize the page title bar for any page
  • Customize sidebars and sidebar positions for any page
  • Continued codebase improvements for performance enhancements and future maintenance
  • Save custom page layouts to reuse on other pages
  • Full-Color Customizations – change every element with ease including shortcodes

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