NewTaxi App - Online Taxi Booking App With Admin Panel & Driver/User Panel | Multi Payment Gateways v1.4

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Thank you for your interest in NewTaxi. Our simple yet advanced taxi software solution.

Note: When testing out the Demo Apps please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp on +254700207417 to add your city location to the backend to enable you select it as an available city on the Apps



NewTaxi is a fully-featured taxi on-demand taxi solution that is convenient to anyone planning to start up and run an online on-demand location based taxi business. We have developed NewTaxi to be easy to customize, setup and run. NewTaxi is developed using the best and highend technologies. NewTaxi is a native app built on Kotlin and laravel for backend. Firebase and sinch are used for realtime communication between apps and server. The Server runs on pure native PHP for optimal performance and speed. NewTaxi requires minimal knowledge of software development to setup and manage and requires least resources too.

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Features at a glance

Rider App

  • Profile Update
  • Rider Referrals
  • Multi Route / City support
  • Coupon Discounts
  • Wallet / Cash Payments
  • Wallet top-up
  • Transaction History
  • Ride History
  • Scheduled Rides
  • Favourite locations
  • Ride Completion Code
  • Rating / Review
  • Vehicle Types
  • Fare Options (Day/Night, peak periods)
  • App Notifications
  • Nearby Drivers
  • Inter-City Rides
  • In-app Customer help

Driver App

  • Profile Update
  • Driver Referrals
  • Earnings History
  • Wallet top-up and withdrawals
  • Ride History
  • Scheduled Rides
  • Rating / Review
  • Payments to the admin
  • Contact Rider
  • App Notifications
  • Nearby Drivers
  • In-app Registrations
  • In-app Navigation to rider pick-up and drop-off locations
  • Availability toggle (Online/Offline)
  • Realtime computed ride distance and duration
  • In-app Help Guide and customer help

Web Admin Panel

  • Customer, Staff and Driver account management
  • App management
  • Vehicle and City / Fare management
  • Vehicle management
  • Realtime Trip Tracking
  • Referrals management
  • Coupon codes management
  • Message Broadcasts
  • Financial / Operations statistics and Reports
  • Payouts Management
  • Bookings management
  • Users and user role creation and management
  • Different levels of dynamically created user roles (Admin, Dispatcher, Accountant etc.)

Company Panel

  • Dashboard
  • Manage Drivers
  • Send Notifications
  • Manage Manual Bookings
  • Manage Vehicles & Vehicle Types
  • Manage Trips
  • Manage Payouts
  • Manage Owe Amounts
  • View/ Manage Financial / Operations Reports
  • Manage Statements
  • Heat Map


  • Paypal
  • Stripe
  • Braintree
  • M-PESA (New)
  • Flutterwave (New)
  • Paytm (New)


Rider App

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Driver App

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Web Admin. Panel


Account type: Select Admin from the list

Username: admin

Password: 12345678900


User Test Credentials

Account type: Driver

Phone: (254) 0797049288

Password: 1234567890


User Test Credentials

Account type: User

Phone (254) 0797049289

Password: 1234567890


Wallet Recharge Stripe Test Card
5555 5555 5555 4444
MM/YY 06/25
CVV 333

NewTaxi white label taxi app software iOS


  • A Linux cPanel hosting with atleast 1GB RAM (2GB recommended): Required to run the backend software.
  • Google maps account: Required for display of maps on the Rider and Driver Apps and Web panel, Distance calculations and trip fare estimation, Places search and Reverse Geocoding.
  • Firebase account: Required for Rider account activation through Phone Authentication. Also needed for push notification.
  • Sinch account (Optional): Sinch is used for viop in app calls.


Package Content

After purchase, you will receive a package with the following content:

  • Documentation: Contains the documentation in PDF format
  • Rider App and Driver App files. Each of these contain all required project source code. Follow the instructions in the documentation on how to setup and build the source files as well as signing and publishingyour apks.

The backend server PHP source files can be found in the server folder. Get in touch with us: | +254700207417


Customer Support

We offer premium support services for customers who have purchased NewTaxi. Our support services ranges from installations, payment gateway integrations, customizations and feature integration. Contact us if you need help through these channels:

NewTaxi white label taxi app software script - 4 NewTaxi white label taxi app software script - 4 Kindly Note that We charge for Customization services and We only do customizations If we Agree as per our Policies. Thank you



Version 2.0: 13th – 02 – 2024


 - Added floating icon for driver.

- Improved Driver notification.

- Added Wallet history for  (Riders can now track how they have spent/topped up money).

- Changed Passenger app home layout.

- Added Destination history suggestions in Passenger app.

- Upgraded Passenger and Driver Libraries. 

- Updated Backend Libraries to latest support.

- Resolved issues with OTP.

- Solved location issue in driver app during fist launch.

- Added ability to limit driver going online based on owe amount limit.

- Added option to skip rating for both driver and passenger apps.

- Drivers now able to see fare estimate and distance before accepting rides.

- Minor bug fixes. 


Version 1.7: 1st – 08 – 2023


- Added Firebase OTP Option.
- Minor bug fixes and security patches. 


Version 1.6: 11th – 07 – 2023


- Updated Driver App Android Studio issue.
- Optimized driver notification sound.
- Minor bug fixes and security patches.
- Distinguished driver vehicle color before and after pickup. 


Version 1.5: 29th – 06 – 2023


- Updated code dependencies.
- Upgraded Kotlin and app libraries
- Migrated code to PHP 8+
- Updated code to latest sdk
- Added Paytm, Mpesa and Flutterwave payment gateways.
-Optimised security in Apps and Backend.
-Minor Bug fixes 


Version 1.4: 14th – 02 – 2023


- Updated code dependencies.
- Added cookie consent on website
- Updated Website theme
- Solved a bug in driver owe amount
- Updated Cardinal Commerce SDK the latest version as per google's policy.
- Updated App permission agreement consent as per google play policies.
- Fixed Facebook and Google login Buttons errors
-Optimised security in Apps
-Minor Bug fixes 

Version 1.3: 16th – 12 – 2022


- Added Account Deletion Option ( In accordance to Apple Store and Google Playstore)
    - Added in App Privacy policy and terms of services.
    - Minor Bug fixes.
    - Upgraded Gradle plugin.
    - Security updated 

Version 1.2: 15th – 09 – 2022


- Upgraded Admin and Website To Laravel 8.83
    - Changed App Theme
    - Added Languages Nederlands, French and Chinese
    - Migrated To Android SDK 32
    - Minor Bug Fixes
    - Added Ringing Notifications on Driver App Upon Receiving Ride Request
    - Added Privacy Policy link on App Homepage
    - Security updated
    - Added Direct Call Between Customers and Drivers 

Version 1.0: 27th – 05 – 2022

 Initial Release

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