On-Demand24 - Manager Application (iOS&Android) v1.0

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Welcome to On-Demand24 Manager App


Note: This is not a standalone app. It is part of On-Demand24 – Multi Vendor Service Booking + eCommerce (+ digital download) platform (customer web & mob, admin & vendor panels).


Please see the On-Demand24 main app link below for more information.



The admin panel – https://admin.demand24.org/

On-Demand24 - Manager Application (iOS&Android) - 1

On-Demand24 - Manager Application (iOS&Android) - 2

On-Demand24 - Manager Application (iOS&Android) - 3 On-Demand24 - Manager Application (iOS&Android) - 4 On-Demand24 - Manager Application (iOS&Android) - 5 On-Demand24 - Manager Application (iOS&Android) - 6 On-Demand24 - Manager Application (iOS&Android) - 7 On-Demand24 - Manager Application (iOS&Android) - 8

 Change Log-
21 May 2024 ( v. 2024 -02)

fix: purchasing gift cards and memberships,add notes to orders, external payment methods in booking, default location in order creation, ui overflow, 


admin panel: 
add: default country to general settings
bug fixes

fix: chat CORS, time conflicts in calendar and minor bug fixes

bug fix 
coupon percent fix error in calculate
time format change 
 Change Log-
13 April 2024 ( v. 2024 -01)
add master booking statistic
schedule ui changed
change new ui
fix price
add shop filter category
add maksekeskus payment
change new ui
fix shop open
minor bug fixes

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