Pinky Chat - PHP Live Chat Script - v1.6

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Pinky Chat (PHP Live Chat Script) – Smarter way to quickly handle your customer service. It’s live chat application and help desk software for your websites. Talk to your customer in real-time over web and mobile friendly too. Additionally you can track analytics of your website, visitor’s path and geo location details.

Note: Live Chat widget works with any website – Static HTML websites, WordPress, OpenCart, Joomla, Drupal, PHP Scripts etc…


- Real-time unlimited chatting
- Two way file sharing
- Operator to Operator Chat
- Canned responses (Shortcuts)
- Multilingual Support (Translatable to any language)
- Responsive Chat Window (Mobile Friendly)
- Cross domain support
- Send transcripts to users
- Multiple Departments Support
- Contact page when no operators online
- Widget display blacklist
- Inline widget support
- Fullscreen chat mode
- Customizable avatars, emoticon, notification tone etc..
- Multiple operators and guests chatting
- Message notification tones
- Custom Chat Templates
- Inbuilt Analytics (Track your visitors traffic, source of traffic etc..)
- Visitors path tracking
- Performance settings
- Custom widget positions
- Adblock Detection
- Maintenance Mode
- Captcha Protection (Google reCAPTCHA Included)
- Support both SMTP and native PHP mail
- Add-ons Support
- Shortcode System
- Ban unwanted user IP address functionality
- Easy Installer Panel


Widget Demo:

Inline Widget Demo:

Admin Demo:

Operator Demo:

(* In demo website, some features are disabled for security reasons)


- PHP 7.2.0 or above (PHP 8.x Recommended)
- PDO and MySQLI extension
- GD Extension
- Multibyte String (Mbstring)
- “allow_url_fopen” must be allowed.
- URL Rewrite module
- SMTP Mail Server (optional)

Easy Installation

- No advanced technical knowledge required.
- Few seconds and clicks are needed to install the script.

Change Log

Version 1.6

- Added: Support for PHP 8.2.x
- Updated: Anti Adblock Detector
- Updated: Cron Job
- Updated: Admin Panel - Users - Export Options 
- Fixed: Analytics Crashes 
- Fixed: Some minor bugs 

Version 1.5

- Added: Support for PHP 8.1.x & PHP 8.2b
- Updated: File Manager library
- Fxied: Compressed database backup failed.
- Fixed: Some minor bugs 

Version 1.4

- Added: Default sender address overwritable from configuration file
- Updated: PHPMailer library
- Updated: File Manager library
- Some PHP 8 fixes 

Version 1.3

- Added: New CORS method to fix chrome browser issues (You can enable from configuration file)
- Fixed: Staff permission issues
- Fixed: Invite chat feature crash on some database server 

Version 1.2

- Added: PHP 8 Support (Beta)
- Added: Beep sound to admin/staff when new chat starts
- Added: Customizable 404 page
- Added: Database Editor
- Updated: File Manager library
- Improved: Handling of multiple chats at a time
- Improved: Adblock detection
- Fixed: Unable to delete banned IP address
- Fixed: Some minor bugs 

Version 1.1

- Updated: Admin File Manager
- Fixed: Contact form issue 

Version 1.0

- Initial release

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