PlayTubeVideo - Live Streaming and Video CMS Platform v4.4

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PlayTubeVideo – The Perfect Online NODE and REACT JS Live Streaming, Video CMS and Video Sharing Platform

PlayTubeVideo is fast, secured and takes care of all your video platform needs. 

Two Themes mode included (Dark & Light)! Do you have any questions? Please read our FAQs Check out the Demo


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PlayTubeVideo - Live Streaming and Video CMS Platform - 1

How Live Streaming Works:

  • PlayTubeVideo should be pre-installed on your server.
  • Live streaming setting should be Enabled from Admin panel.
  • Obtain the Agora keys from your Agora account and save them in Admin’s Live streaming settings fields.
  • Click on Go Live link to start live session.
  • Followers will get a notification and email of host of going live.
  • Create a Live stream meeting for a specific video’s category. Select the desires settings ex. save video/chat/comments/privacy etc.
  • Users will get the live stream on home recent videos and Live page.
  • During the live session, audience can communicate with chat option.
  • Audience can leave the meeting anytime during or after the live video ends.
  • OBS RTMP streaming is integrated with


Technologies in use

PlayTubeVideo is a MERN application, developed using Node.js – Express – MySQL on the backend and React – Redux on the frontend.Live Notification, Comments and other events relies heavily on Socket.IO.

PlayTubeVideo Support

Welcome to the PlayTubeVideo experience! You can access the full PlayTubeVideo documentation online.

You can access the setup instruction here: PlayTubeVideo setup instructions.

Admin Features:(Demo):

  • Payments: Admin can set a default currency and payment mode details to earn money and grow. Packages can be managed from Payment Settings too.
  • Language: Change site language from footer. You can add any number of languages for the site.
  • Earning Stats: Videos, Subscribers & Advertisements earning stats (updated every 5 minutes) using Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly criteria. 
  • File Manager: Admin can import/export & upload new files.
  • Social Sites Integration: With one click, you can login to your site using Social Sites. (Ex – Facebook, Twitter and Google.)
  • Channels: Manage member level settings  & Channel created by Users. 
  • Videos: Manage member level settings & Videos created by Users. 
  • Artists: Admin can create Artist gallery by uploading photos from Admin panel. Create Artists for Video & Channel in their respective sections. 
  • Categories: Create Categories and sub-categories for Video, Channel & Blogs in their respective sections. 
  • Playlists: Manage member level settings  & Playlists created by Users. 
  • Blogs: Manage member level settings  & Blogs created by Users. 
  • Browse Pages Content: Enable/Disable feature settings for User/Video/Channel/Blog/Playlist/Artist for respective listing pages.
  • Manage Email Templates: Define the layout, content, and formatting of automated emails sent from your site to Users.
  • Manage Comments: Auto approve comments of Verified Users and Content Owner to choose enable approve Comments before display can be enable/disable from Admin Panel settings. You have full control over what comments appear on your site posted by users. 
  • Design: Color Scheme, Site Favicon, Logo can be set from here.
  • Reports: Member, Playlist, Channel, Video & Blog reports will be managed from here.
  • Advertisements: Website advertisement settings can be managed from here.
  • Pages: Site pages can be managed from here.
  • Menus: Manage your site list of links that will display as the main navigation for your site from here.

User Features (Demo):

  • Reels/shorts: Users can upload photos, videos and edit, set them to music, and post to their feed.
  • Stories:Users can post photos or videos that automatically disappear within 24 hours.
  • Multi Currency:Using this user’s business can target broader audience by providing flexibility of transacting in their preferred currency.
  • CDN support:Content Delivery Network that reduces website load times.
  • Multiple Payment Gateway:Paypal, Cashfree, Razorpay, Flutterwave, Stripe, QPay, Apple In-App and Bank transfer payment gateway are supported.
  • ChatGPT:Integrated with ChatGPT which provides the ability to generate responses like humans in real-time, based on the user’s input to users.
  • Notifications:Push notification available using OneSignal.
  • BackUp:Automatic database backup.
  • Movies/Series:Users can create movies/ series.
  • Messaging:Private messaging.
  • Audio:Users can upload audio.
  • Multi Tasking:Users can play audio/video while surfing a website in a mini player.
  • Membership:Users can create membership packages to monetise their content.
  • Following/Followers:Users can follow or be followed by others.
  • Like/dislike:Users can like/dislike the content.
  • Social Share:Facebook, Twitter, Google etc. social sharing options available to users.
  • Block Users:Users can be blocked.
  • AI:Default AI generated image for users cover and profile image.
  • Social Sites Integration:With one click, you can login to your site using Social Sites. (Ex – Facebook, Twitter and Google.)
  • Create Channel:User can create his own channel and upload/import videos.
  • Create Video:Users can create his own videos using uploading or Import features.
  • Upload Videos:Upload any video from your device and share it online.
  • Import Videos:Import videos easily from YouTube, Dailymotion, and Vimeo and integrated with iFramely which gives power to import video from any site.
  • Like & Dislike:Users can like or dislike videos.
  • Comment:Users can comment on videos. Auto approve comments of Verified Users and Content Owner to choose to enable / disable Comments before display can be enabled / disabled from Admin Panel settings.
  • Subscriptions:Users can subscribe to video channels.
  • Follow:Users can follow other users.
  • Favourites:Users can make videos to favourite.
  • Upgrade Pro:Users can upgrade to different packages created by Admin.
  • Create Blog:Users can create his own Blogs.
  • Create Advertisement:Pay per Click/Pay per Impression advertisement can be created by users.
  • Recently Visited, Most Rated, Watch Later Videos:See what you have recently visited, rated videos and save to watch them later.
  • High Performance & Capability:PlayTubeVideo can handle HD videos easily, with a very high performance and speed.
  • Notifications:Videos/Playlists/Members/Channels/Blogs related notifications can be managed from Edit settings.
  • SEO friendly:SEO friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love!

Change Logs

v4.4- 29 March, 2023

~ [Fixed] UI issues.
~ [Added] Gift system in uploaded videos.
~ [Added] Bank payout option in users payout.
~ [Added] New message notification count.
~ [Added] Aamarpay payment gateway.
~ [Improvement] Speed Improvement.
~ [Fixed] Around 10+ bug fixes. 
v4.3 - Oct 31, 2023

~ [Added] Multi Currency Support.
~ [Added] Flutterwave gateway.
~ [Added] Cashfree gateway.
~ [Added] RazorPay gateway.
~ [Added] Video Carousel on Home Page in default theme.
~ [Upgrade] Node packages.
~ [Support] Node v20.
~ [Fixed] Around 10+ bug fixes. 
v4.2 - Aug 4, 2023

~ [Added] Create AI profile picture during Signup/Edit profile.
~ [Added] Create AI Cover profile picture. 
~ [Added] Create Blog using AI.
~ [Added] Generate Description and Upload Image using AI.
~ [Added] Admin earnings from Users for creating AI content.
~ [Added] Admin Panel Member role settings to allow User AI content. 
~ [Added] Admin Panel Point system settings for AI content creation. 
~ [Added] Admin Panel Language Translation using AI.
~ [Fixed] Around 10+ minor bug fixes. 
v4.1 - Jun 25, 2023

~ [Fixed] UI issues.
~ [Upgraded] Font size increased.
~ [Added] Added User block feature.
~ [Added] Followers and Following list on User's Profile page.
~ [Added] All payment from script will be done using single wallet.
~ [Upgraded] Node/React and all packages.
~ [Changed] All Class based component is changed with functional component in ReactJS
~ [Added] Apple in app purchase work for iOS webview app.
~ [Added] pm2 package compatibility.
~ [Improvement] Speed Improvement.
~ [Fixed] Around 20+ bug fixes. 
v4.0 - Sep 04, 2022

~ [Fixed] UI issues.
~ [Added] Added OneSignal Browser Push Notifications.
~ [Added] GIF support.
~ [Added] Reels/Short Videos.
~ [Added] Comment/Like/Dislike/Share feature on stories.
~ [Added] Upload multiple format videos in stories.
~ [Added] Upload multiple format audio in stories.
~ [Added] Stories/Reels added in point system.
~ [Upgraded] Compatible with node v16.x.
~ [Upgraded] Google Login Api.
~ [Upgraded] One touch Google Login.
~ [Upgraded] Node/React and all packages.
~ [Upgraded] Installation Documentation.
~ [Fixed] Around 15+ bug fixes. 
v3.4 - July 16, 2022

~ [Fixed] default sql syntax issue.
~ [Fixed] UI issues.
~ [Fixed] Minor bug fixes. 
v3.3 - July 12, 2022

~ [Fixed] Speed and Performance fixes.
~ [Fixed] UI issues.
~ [Added] Added Bottom bar in mobile responsive mode.
~ [Upgraded] Node/React and all packages.
~ [Fixed] Around 20+ bug fixes. 
v3.2 - April 26, 2022

~ [Added] Image Stories
~ [Added] Video Stories
~ [Added] Audio Stories
~ [Added] Text with Background Stories
~ [Added] Announcements in Admin
~ [Added] Mass Notifications in Admin
~ [Added] Auto Follow Channels in Admin
~ [Added] Auto Follow Users in Admin
~ [Added] Delete old Videos Setting in Admin
~ [Added] Send Newsletter to Users from Admin
~ [Added] Auto delete youtube,vimeo and dailymotion videos in Admin
~ [Added] Auto Database and Script files Backups in Admin
~ [Upgraded] Node/React and all packages.
~ [Fixed] Around 20+ bug fixes 
v3.1 - Dec 7, 2021

~ [Added] 1 to 1 members chat
~ [Added] Branding while live streaming from antMedia
~ [Upgraded] Node/React and all packages.
~ [Fixed] Around 22+ bug fixes 
v3.0 - Oct 13, 2021

~ [Added] Scheduled Live Streaming using AntMedia
~ [Added] Channel Videos import through YouTube 
~ [Added] High Demanded Trending OTT theme 
~ [Added] Movies & Web Series Integration 
~ [Added] Movies & Web Series Import through TMDB
~ [Added] Latest Header settings 
~ [Added] User friendly Notifications
~ [Added] Notification with Images
~ [Added] Latest Email Notifications
~ [Added] Supported RTL
~ [Added] Latest Player implementation
~ [Added] Clear cache feature  availability in Admin Panel
~ [Upgraded] Node/React and all packages.
~ [Fixed] Around 20+ bug fixes 
v2.5 - June 16, 2021

~ [Added] Custom Member Subscription Plans.
~ [Upgraded] Bootstrap v5.0.
~ [Fixed] 10+ Important bugs. 
v2.4 - May 22, 2021

~ [Added] Stripe and Bank Transfer Payment Method.
~ [Added] Google v3 Captcha.
~ [Added] Twilio Phone OTP.
~ [Added] Points System.
~ [Added] Referral Points Earning.
~ [Added] CDN support for images,css and js.
~ [Added] Chat Ban User while Livestreaming.
~ [Upgraded] Node/React and all packages.
~ [Improvement] Speed Improvement.
~ [Fixed] 15+ Important bugs. 
 v2.3 - Feb 3, 2021

~ [Added] Audio Feature.
~ [Added] Wasabi Storage.
~ [Added] Slideshow.
~ [Added] Ban user with IP.
~ [Added] Setting to enable/disable category from Landing Page.
~ [Added] Auto language translate option using Google translation API in Admin Panel.
~ [Added] Show Popular Members on Landing Page.
~ [Added] Show on Landing Page Livestreamer of the month who get's higher tip.
~ [Added] Show Tipped owner on Video Details Page.
~ [Updated] Share popup design.
~ [Upgraded] Node/React and all packages. 
 v2.2 - Jan 12, 2021

- [Added] Video Tip/Donation feature on live/uploaded videos.
- [Added] Implement CDN for static css/js files.
- [Added] OBS RTMP streaming integration using with Enterprise Edition
- [Added] Channel support feature.
- [Added] Signup using invitation code only.
- [Added] Add videos from channel directly.
- [Added] Delete package from admin.
- [Added] Video Embed feature.
- [Added] User edit functionality in admin manage users.
- [Added] Site mode feature in user level.
- [Fixed] 25+ Important bugs. 
 v2.1 - Oct 9, 2020

 - [Added] Embed video functionality.
 - [Added] Apple login.
 - [Added] PWA support.
 - [Added] Channel posts
 - [Added] Missing translation.
 - [Added] User timezone.
 - [Modified] Mobile sidebar menu.
 - [Fixed] 10+ Important bugs. 
 v2.0 - Jul 29, 2020

 - [Added] Agora Live Streaming.
 - [Fixed] 10+ Important bugs. 
 v1.0.2 - Jul 10, 2020

 - [Added] Side Menu option.
 - [Added] Full page autosuggest search.
 - [Fixed] 10+ Important bugs. 
 v1.0.1 - Jun 23, 2020

 - [Added] Admin settings to customise sign-up page fields.
 - [Added] Admin settings to allow Content Owner to choose enable/approve Comments before display.
 - [Added] Ability to Auto approve Comments of Verified Users.
 - [Added] Integrated iFramely to embed videos. 
 - [Added] Artist Gallery photos.
 - [Added] Artist Age, Gender and Birthplace fields.
 - [Added] Support for react 16.13.1
 - [Added] Compressed image on user side so it save server bandwidth.
 - [Fixed] 27+ Important bugs.
 - [Upgraded] node.js packages. 

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