Premium Game - EggQuest HTML5 , Construct 3

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EggQuest is an exciting game where you control a character on a mission to collect bird eggs. As you approach the bird nests, watch out for attacking crows – you’ll need to dodge them to gather all the eggs and emerge victorious. But be cautious! Falling into the water, getting too close to exploding bombs, or standing too long on a Mole’s burrow will lead to your demise. Stay sharp, collect those eggs, and master the art of survival in this thrilling adventure!


  • Touch controls
  • Full game.
  • Keyboard controls
  • Works on HTML5 browsers
  • HTML folder ready to upload + c3p

What you get

  • HTML5 and source files ready to be uploaded to your server
  • Keyboard and Touch Controls

How to publish on your site:

  • Rename the HTML 5 folder to any name you like (don’t use space or special characters)
  • Upload the entire folder you renamed to your site (Check your host provider for FTP access)
  • That’s it!

If you have any question, don’t hesitate in asking.

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