Resido - Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System v2.17.0

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Resido – Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System

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Online document/upgrade guide HERE .

Resido is a premium real estate related websites build on Laravel. With an advanced admin dashboard that will help you create a local or global real-estate directory site.

Resido provides many different layouts of HOME pages. Perfectly suitable for any agency, agent, property, real estate, rental, corporate, apartment, house, hotels, and all types of real estate directory services.

Resido theme’s built with Bootstrap 4, CSS3 & Jquery with 100% responsive, Retina ready & Multi-Device supported and multilingual support almost all features

All code is beautifully writte & W3C HTML validate coding. All HTML & CSS codes are commented properly so it’s easily customizable.

We’ve added all the features needed for a real estate listing site to this theme. It combines with variant grid layout, list layout style including facilities to create booking submission, agencies and agent admin dashboard, a single property compares property, agencies & agent list, and much more. Resido has everything you need to run a successful real estate business.

We have a dedicated support center for all of your support needs. It includes our Documentation and our email for any questions you have. We usually get back to you within 12-24 hours.

Resido - Laravel Real Estate Multilingual System - payment

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Free installation service

Note: We just provide a free installation service for hosting using Cpanel or Direct Admin. If you’re using VPS, you need to install Cpanel or Direct Admin. We don’t provide installation service on localhost.


Test accounts for payment

  • Credit Card for Stripe: 4242 4242 4242 4242 – Anything in the CVV and expiration date
  • Credit Card for SSLCommerz & Razorpay: 4111111111111111, Exp: 12/25, CVV: 111




  • Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
  • PHP >= 8.1 >> Higher
  • MySQL Database server
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Exif PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • Module Re_write server
  • PHP_CURL Module Enable

5-star reviews

Rating Us

What do you get?

Script source code [blade, css, js]

Images used in the demo are not included in the download package. They are used for demo purposes only.


## 3.4.0 (Jun 02, 2024)

- Add project filter field for the properties list
- Add project information to the property
- Fix small issues on front theme UI
- Fix dark mode in roles & permissions page
- Fix download posts example CSV/Excel
- Add sharing and copy indirect link for media files
- Add plugin filter by status in plugins listing page
- Update translation plugin: allows importing translations from CSV/Excel
- Update Google Fonts list
- Improve performance
- Improve email templates
- Improve media generate thumbnails

## 3.3.1 (May 12, 2024)

- Fix showing images in the project.
- Fix CSS & icons for RTL (right-to-left) layout.
- Update core.

## 3.3.0 (May 3, 2024)

- Fix project in plugin RealEstate
- Fix investor in plugin RealEstate
- Fix show properties list on project detail page
- Add shortcode project
- Update core

## 3.2.0 (Apr 23, 2024)

- Fix investor in plugin RealEstate
- Fix package in plugin RealEstate
- Improve core & performance

## 3.1.2 (Feb 25, 2024)

- Fix properties listing with map
- Fix account registration
- Improve core

## 3.1.0 (Feb 22, 2024)

- Fix create menu
- Fix media thumbnail
- Improve email
- Add custom CSS/JS for admin pane
- Improve core & performance

## 3.0.0 (Jan 13, 2024)
- Bigupdate
- Revamp admin theme, make it super beautiful. Check this video:
- Upgrade to Laravel 10.
- Improve core code and performance.
- Make it easier to customize
- Fix plugin Analytics when extension bcmath not enabled
- Fix media double click
- Fix responsive issue on the admin panel
- Add option to select language when installing script with installer
- Add option to stop converting media file URL to friendly URL
- Add user preference to select default language, dark/light mode...
- Add option to set color for media folder
- Add option to stop indexing a page
- Improve Admin theme UI
- Improve translations from the admin panel, make it easier to use.
- Improve System updater, fix permission issues on some servers
- Improve email notification settings

## 2.22.0 (Oct 23, 2023)
- Improve performance & theme UI
- Add slugs translation
- Improve multi-language
- Add option to disable agent info in the property detail page
- Fix text direction button in CKEditor
- Fix issues when using PostgreSQL
- Improve System updater
- Improve core & performance
- Improve locale/translation download
- Improve Analytics widgets

## 2.21.0 (Aug 08, 2023)
- Improve tables
- Fix seeder
- Improve core & performance
- Improve system updater & performance

## 2.20.3 (Aug 03, 2023)
- Fix load vueApp in account dashboard page

## 2.20.0 (Jul 17, 2023)

- Make property images sortable in agent dashboard
- Bootstrap 5.3.0 compatible
- Add cronjob setting instruction
- Improve theme translations
- Improve core & performance
- Improve Analytics plugin, switch to use GA4, no more UA.
- Improve plugin management.
- Fix issue when switching default language
- Improve admin notification: only keep notifications in 30 days
- Improve setting pages
- Improve captcha plugin, fix issue when using multiple captcha
- Improve admin bar
- Improve system updater & performance
- Improve UI for installer
- Improve core source code & performance
- Add multi-language for email templates

## 2.19.0 (Jun 06, 2023)

- Add multi-language for email templates
- Fix issue when switching default language
- Fix watermark issues: missing watermark for images in sub-folder
- Add properties/projects import & export to CSV
- Fallback option for Google Fonts cache
- Disable scroll effect in the admin panel
- Fix og:site_name
- Fix bug on new Stripe API change
- Fix search properties/projects
- Fix bug download images in Admin -> Media
- Fix preview PDF file & bulk changes in table
- Fix sitemap issue when enable pagespeed optimizer
- Publish translation files when activate plugin / upgrade to the new version
- Make editor translatable, display based on admin language
- Improve loading performance
- Improve system updater & performance
- Improve UI for installer
- Improve sitemap (add sitemap indexes)
- Improve Google Analytics settings
- Improve admin notifications, hide notification if current logged user don't have permission to see it

## 2.17.0 ( Mar 7, 2023)

- Fix coding standards
- Fix show shortcode in project detail
- Fix project
- Fix create investor
- Fix select2
- Fix CKEditor
- Refactor code

## 2.16.2 ( Feb 26, 2023)
- Update core
- Fix small bugs
- Refactor code
## 2.16.1 ( Feb 21, 2023)

- Fix agent property list
- Fix create investor
- Fix form property
- Fix the preview PDF file & bulk changes in table
- Fix coding standard
- Update core

## 2.16.0 ( Feb 14, 2023 )

- Fix small bug
- Fix download translation locale
- Purifier allows the audio tag
- Improve analytics, fix installer
- Fix plugin Language
- Update maintenance mode view & Add alt for the image in Media
- Add an option to disable the installer

## 2.15.0 ( Jan 27, 2023)
- Big update: Add type Project. Link:
- Upgrade to Laravel framework 9.x
- Drop PHP 7.x support.
- Add an option to install plugins from in Admin -> Plugins.
- Add an option to clean up site data.
- Add canonical tag for page, post, category, tag & gallery.
- Able to update free plugins directly in Admin -> Plugins.
- Fix Wasabi & BunnyCDN media driver.
- Fix the issue when enabling page speed options in settings.
- Fix sitemap JS libraries.
- Change the default Google Fonts CDN URL to
- Improve performance.
- Improve sitemap queries.
- Improve core & UI.
- Improve email template. Add Twig function.
- Improve multi-language.

## 2.14.0 ( Dec 23, 2022)

- Fix language
- Fix avatar upload on rtl
- Fix period

## 2.13.2 ( Nov 24, 2022)

- Hotfix: media upload

## 2.13.2 ( Nov 21, 2022)

- Fix: simple slider
- Improve queries & UI
- Improve license activation

## 2.13.1 ( Nov 9, 2022)

- Update purifier config & update TinyMCE
- Fix SEO helper
- Refactor code
- Fix upload agent images and property images in the account dashboard

## 2.13.0 ( Nov 02, 2022)

- Fix SEO helper
- Improve installer
- Improve error handler
- Improve editor
- Update purifier config & update TinyMCE

## 2.12.0 ( Oct 30, 2022)

- Fix the contact form
- Fix the SEO title
- Improve multi-language
- Improve language & settings
- Improve Vue components
- Improve media
- Add installer
- Refactor code

## 2.11.0 ( Sep 29, 2022)

- Fix show recent properties view in the property detail page
- Fix shortcode
- Refactor code

## 2.10.0 ( Sep 16, 2022)

- Fix bug language
- Fix pagespeed optimization and language route prefix
- Fix file upload visibility
- Fix search properties
- Fix sort by city name to getting cities by state
- Fix dompdf public path & add the Catalonia flag
- Fix reset email template
- Fix the captcha when login
- Fix bugs on PHP 8
- Improve payment
- Improve repository queries
- Refactor migration
- Refactor code

## 2.9.1 ( Aug 15, 2022)

- Fix plugin Location
- Refactor code

## 2.9.0 ( Aug 12, 2022)

- Update SSLCommerz payment gateway 
- Update migrations
- Update translated email
- Improve PayPal & Stripe payment gateway
- Fix the media images field
- Refactor code

## 2.8.0 ( Jul 06, 2022)

- Fix media
- Fix the traffic map
- Fix filter
- Fix multi-language
- Fix theme translations
- Fix cities search
- Update location to able to update country code and dial code
- Update editor
- Improve language plugin
- Refactor code
- Improve menu
- Improve translations
- Improve media watermark
- Improve plugin Backup
- Improve form field custom select & autocomplete

## 2.7.0 ( May 16, 2022)

- Fix property sliders
- Fix the property detail page
- Fix the translation feature
- Fix bugs
- Fix hero style
- Fix shortcode
- Fix search min & max square
- Add the ability to set the auto slider on the homepage
- Add image resolution tip for property
- Refactor code

## 2.6.0 ( May 5, 2022)

- Fix rating
- Fix multi-language
- Add media settings for thumbnail sizes
- Add the ability to share property via WhatsApp
- Refactor code

## 2.5.0 ( Apr 14, 2022)

- Update translation
- Improve dashboard widgets
- Fix property type.
- Fix CSS Mobile.
- Update core.

## 2.4.1 ( Mar 26, 2022)

- Fix CSS header.
- Fix Package Translation.

## 2.4.0 ( Mar 24, 2022)

- Fix editor
- Fix city
- Fix language advanced
- Refactor code.
- Improve plugin system.

## 2.3.0 ( Feb 22, 2022)

- Improve shortcodes: Featured properties, Properties slide, Properties hero slide.
- Improve multi-language.

## 2.2.0 ( Feb 08, 2022)

- Fixed import cities & states.
- Fix CSS mobile.
- Update schema for post & page

## 2.1.0 ( Jan 18, 2022)
- Fixed import cities & states.
- Fixed S3 config.
- Refactor code.

## 2.2.0 ( Feb 08, 2022)
- Fixed import cities & states.
- Fix CSS mobile.
- Update schema for post & page

## 2.1.0 ( Jan 18, 2022)
- Fixed import cities & states.
- Fixed S3 config.
- Refactor code.

## 2.0.0 ( Jan 03, 2022)

- Improve multi-language.
- Added import cities & states from CSV.
- Update dashboard widgets for real estate.
- Improve contact form & fix dependencies
- Fixed social login settings.
- Fixed hero slide
- Fixed mobile menu
- Fixed duplicate shortcode in CKEditor & refactor code
- Refactor code.

## 1.15.0 ( Dec 22, 2021 )

- Fixed search by location.
- Fixed shortcode properties revent viewed.
- Improve search by location.
- Improve editor & media.
- Improve multi-language.
- Improve editor & media.
- Improve theme translations
- Improve multi-language: cache routes per language
- Improve RTL style.
- Refactor code.

## 1.14.0 ( Dec 02, 2021 )

- Fix currency setting
- Fix social login settings & improve media
- Fix youtube
- Allow cities to work without state 
- Refactor code
- Update core
- Update translate theme

## 1.13.1 ( Nov 22, 2021 )

- Fix filter grid layout
- Fix language

## 1.13.0 ( Nov 21, 2021 )

- Added option to disable credits system, agents can post their properties for free.
- Fix search location
- Fix filter
- Fix social login
- Fix admin bar setting.
- Fix Stripe payment gateway in non-decimal currencies.
- Fix UI agent dashboard.
- Fix some small issues when upgrading to Bootstrap 5.
- Improve multi-language.
- Improve shortcode.
- Improve plugin Analytics, view analytics data by date range.
- Improve Razorpay.
- Improve payment.
- Improve core & UI.
- Improve RTL mode.
- Update to the latest Laravel version 8.72.0.
- Optimize queries performance.

## 1.12.0 ( Oct 25, 2021 )

- Update code for property type
- Fix icon field for facilities
- Improve plugin Analytics
- Improve plugin Multi-Language
- Improve plugin Backup
- Refactor code

## 1.11.0 ( Oct 16, 2021 )

- Fix RTL account
- Fix Skin option
- Improve RazorPay
- Allow disabling post approval
- Refactor code
- Fix some bugs

## 1.10.2 ( Oct 12, 2021 )

- Fix some bugs bootstrap 5

## 1.10.1 ( Oct 06, 2021 )

- Fix some bugs
- Fix translation of agent dashboard
- Update seeder
- Update core 5.22

## 1.10.0 ( Oct 06, 2021 )

- Fix language
- Fix search cities
- Fix payment transaction
- Update package
- Add widget newsletters

- Fix send email
- Update bootstrap 5
- Update editor & media
- Improve UI
- Add BunnyCDN cloud storage

## 1.9.0 ( Sep 29, 2021 )

- Fix leaflet
- Check types
- Update lazyload
- Fix translation
- Fix review
- Fix account language
- Update Credits manual
- Add plugin Newsletter
- Fix Paypal
- Fix & update core

## 1.8.0 ( Sep 15, 2021 )

- Update lazyload image.
- Fix feature icon.
- Fix some bugs Theme.
- Fix admin email.
- Fix cache issue in media.
- Improve theme custom CSS/JS.
- Improve plugin Member, Blog & Newsletter.
- Improve allowed iframe types.
- Handle TokenMismatchException.
- Prevent error when missing watermark image.
- Update to the latest Laravel version 8.60.0
- Improve core.
- Optimize queries performance.

## Latest Version 1.7.0 ( Sep 01, 2021 )

- Update UI
- Update core
- Improve Payment
- Fix show map in the property detail
- Fix show location in the property detail
- Fix setting currency
- Fix update credit
- Fix translations in agent dashboard

## Version 1.6.0 Release Aug 20, 2021

- Update UI
- Add recently viewed properties
- Support catpcha form login/register
- Update core backend

## Version 1.5.0 Release Aug 18, 2021

- Fix send email author
- Fix empty image
- Fix menu mobile agent
- Update featured city
- Update core backend

## Version 1.4.0 Release Aug 13, 2021

- Fix social login
- Update payment
- Refactor code.

## Version 1.3.0 Release Aug 11, 2021

- Fix change payment method
- Update Wishlist.
- Improve UI.
- Fix create package
- Update core & payment gateways
- Improve media config
- Refactor code.

## Version 1.2.0 Release Aug 04, 2021
- Update shortcode.
- Update Static.
- Update payment.
- Improve media.
- Refactor code.

## Version 1.1.1 – Jul 30, 2021
Minor bug fixing

## Version 1.0.0 – Jul 24, 2021
- First release

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