Taskify - Project Management - Task Management & Productivity Tool v1.0.4

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Introducing Taskify, the cutting-edge project managementtask management(CRM) Customer Relationship Management and productivity tool powered by the latest Laravel 10 framework. Taskify is your all-in-one solution for seamless project coordination and productivity enhancement for your business / organization. With an array of powerful features like workspace, customizable statuses & labels for projects & tasks, real-time chat, meetings, and much more Taskify stands out from the crowd.

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Taskify - Project Management, Task Management, CRM & Productivity Tool

Taskify - Project Management, Task Management System

Tasks, Customizable Statuses | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management, CRM & Productivity System

Live Chat with notifications, Meetings | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management, CRM & Productivity System

Time Tracker | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management, CRM & Productivity System

Activity logs & Media Storage | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management, CRM & Productivity System

Key features | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity System

Birthday, Work Anniversaries & Leaves | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management, CRM & Productivity System

Customizable and Configurable Settings | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management, CRM & Productivity System

Finance Module | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management, CRM & Productivity System

Workspaces | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management, CRM & Productivity System

Team Members and Clients | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity System

Leave Requests, Multi Language | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity System

ToDos, Customizable Roles and Permissions | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity System

Contracts and Payslips | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity System

Notes | Taskify - Project Management, Task Management & Productivity System Taskify - Project Management - Task Management & Productivity Tool - 1


URL: https://taskify.taskhub.company/

Admin: admin@gmail.com
Password: 123456

Team Member: member@gmail.com
Password: 123456

Client: client@gmail.com
Password: 123456

Elegant and Informative Dashboard:

Experience an aesthetically pleasing and insightful dashboard that offers a comprehensive overview of your projects, tasks, and productivity metrics at a glance. and also like never before important information for team member birthdays, work anniversaries and information on members on leave.


Effortlessly manage your projects from inception to completion with intuitive project management tools like Tags, deadlines and budget, ensuring you stay organized and on track.


Streamline your workflow by breaking down projects into manageable tasks, complete with deadlines and progress tracking.

Custom Statuses for Projects and Tasks:

Tailor your project and task statuses to match your unique workflow, providing clarity and flexibility in project management.

Real-time Chat:

Foster collaboration with built-in chat functionality, allowing team members to communicate seamlessly within the platform with live pusher supported live notifications.


Schedule and conduct virtual meetings directly from the platform, keeping all your project-related discussions in one place.


Create dedicated workspaces for different teams or departments, enhancing organization and collaboration within or outside your organization.


Manage user access and permissions effortlessly, ensuring that team members have the right level of access to project data.


Maintain a database of clients and their project-related information, facilitating efficient client management.

Custom Roles and Permissions:

Define custom user roles and permissions to ensure that the right people have the right level of access.

Duplicate Posts with Ease:

Save time by quickly replicating projects, tasks, meetings, contracts, and payslips in just a few clicks. Simplify your workflow with Taskify’s duplication feature.


Store and manage project contracts within the system, ensuring all stakeholders are on the same page.


Automate the creation and distribution of payslips, simplifying payroll management for your team.


Reach a global audience with multi-language support, making your tool accessible to users around the world.


Keep important project-related notes within the platform, enhancing documentation and knowledge sharing.


Create and track to-do lists for yourself and your team members, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Leave Requests:

Streamline leave request management with an integrated system for submitting and approving time off.

Customizable Settings and System:

Customize the platform to suit your specific needs, tailoring it to your unique workflow and preferences.

Auto-update System Updater:

Keep your platform up-to-date effortlessly with an automated system updater, ensuring you always have the latest features and security patches.


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Changelog for updates – What’s new?

Version 1.0.7

( updated on 23-May-2024 )

+ Added "From" and "To" time to create a partial leave request.
+ Added calendar view for upcoming birthdays/work anniversaries and members on leave.
+ Added a multi-select option for roles while creating/updating status to allow selected roles to set a particular status.
+ Converted filters in the task list to multi-select.
+ Implemented scrollable project/task statistics and todos, with statuses with a greater count at the top.
+ Added an option for visibility while creating a leave request.
+ Pre-selected the user who is creating the task.
+ In menubar/notification show count badges only if the count is greater than 0.
+ Implemented some bug fixes and UI improvements. 

Version 1.0.6

( updated on 29-Apr-2024 )

+ New feature added: Priority for Projects/Tasks.
+ Simplified project/task status change and added an optional note feature.
+ Optimized creation and updating of projects/tasks by using modals instead of redirecting to new pages.
+ Added edit button to edit project/task with project/task users/clients listing.
+ Implemented a quick view for projects/tasks also displaying descriptions on hover over the project/task title in the list view.
+ Optimized the project information page by using the tab view.
+ Allowed users to set task accessibility when creating or updating a project.
+ Pre-selected the user creating the task when adding a new task.
+ Added missing language translations.
+ Included permission setting instructions on the create/edit role page.
+ Improved ToDos order, latest on top and those who completed at bottom.
+ Implemented some bug fixes and UI improvements. 

Version 1.0.5

( updated on 09-Apr-2024 )

+ Added a new feature: system notifications for project, task, workspace, and meeting assignments.
+ Added a new feature: SMS notifications for project, task, workspace, and meeting assignments with SMS gateway settings allowing users to configure their preferred SMS gateway.
+ Introduced customizable email templates for account creation, email verification, forgot password, and project/task/meeting/workspace assignments.
+ Transformed global search into a suggestion-based search encompassing projects, tasks, meetings, workspaces, todos, notes, users, and clients.
+ Introduced a languages list page with options to edit and delete languages.
+ Separated the status and email verification during user/client creation.
+ Enhanced date format functionality system-wide to ensure expected behavior.
+ Implemented improvements related to data access and counts with consideration for All/Allocated data access.
+ Implemented form reset functionality after submission and upon modal closure.
+ Fixed an issue where single quotes (if used in labels) caused page rendering problems during language saving.
+ Resolved issues with upcoming birthdays, work anniversaries, and members on leave not displaying as expected.
+ Resolved select option not showing for delete selected in upcoming birthday, work anniversary, and members on leave tables.
+ Added missing translations.
+ Added a proper gap between filters in mobile view.
+ Moved the version information to the footer.
+ Allowed 0 decimals in currency format.
+ Added a 'status' column to the project list.
+ Other bug fixes and UI improvements were implemented. 

Version 1.0.4

( updated on 06-Mar-2024 )

+ Added new feature finance including expenses, estimates/invoices, and payments.
+ Added new feature project milestones.
+ Added settings for currency format to be used system-wide.
+ Added missing columns created_at and updated_at in several tables.
+ Renamed media to avoid replacement in case of the same name.
+ Added labels for placeholders.
+ Added Parent ID, type, and title for task and media in activity logs.
+ Related activity log in Project/Task information page.
+ Added info about storage type in the project and task info page.
+ Added alert bar with proper message and link to set the same (if admin login) when important settings for chat feature to work is not set.
+ Fixed projects page, contracts active menu bugs.
+ Added Key considerations and recommended actions in documentation also removed screenshot which was confusing installation.
+ Other bug fixings and improvements. 

Version 1.0.3

( updated on 26-Jan-2024 )

+ Added new feature Activity logs.
+ Added option to upload Project and Task media to local storage and AWS S3 as you prefer.
+ Added all data access and allocated data access in the create/edit role.
+ Allowed to select year till 1950 instead of 1974 for DOB and DOJ in creating user/client.
+ Fixed installation success message not showing after successful installation.
+ Fixed timer jumps when starting again after stop/pause.
+ Fixed task end date automatically sets to the current date.
+ Added the current version in the navbar.
+ Other bug fixings and improvements. 

Version 1.0.2

( updated on 08-Jan-2024 )

+ In the chat module used a profile photo from the user profile (instead of default) if not set for a chat.
+ Bulk delete for all modules except todos and notes.
+ Fixed member-only option in role selection while creating a user.
+ Added user/client filters in workspaces.
+ Leave requests and chat are not accessible for users belonging to custom-created roles.
+ Allowed to update role name.
+ Removed unnecessary page reload while create, edit, duplicate, delete.
+ Allowed admin to update email from profile.
+ Added project filter in tasks.
+ Added pending leave requests badge.
+ Navigatable status titles located below the project/task chart.
+ Other UI changes, bug fixings, and improvements. 

Version 1.0.1

( updated on 26-Dec-2023 )

+ Added a new feature - Time Tracker (Timesheet).
+ Removed permissions selection for admin role (admin has all the permissions by default).
+ Added appropriate filters for meetings.
+ Added permissions for payslips.
+ Fixed unexpected message "check email configuration"  while creating user/client.
+ Fixed issue updating images system-wide.
+ Pending todos and ongoing meetings count in the side menu.
+ Displayed the current version in the side menu and system updater page.
+ Bulk select permissions all and module-wise while creating/updating roles.
+ Improved appearance of user/client profile icons (half overlapped) everywhere.
+ Added budget in project list/grid.
+ Link to draggable task view from project information page and total tasks.
+ Other bug fixing and UI improvements. 

Version 1.0.0

+ Initial Release

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