TruelySell - On Demand Service Marketplace & Handyman Marketplace Software | UrbanClap Clone v2.3.4

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We will be happy to customize the application for your specific need, please contact


Admin Login Details

Username: demo
Password: demo

Provider Login Details

Mobile Number Login:
Username: +91 9988776655
Password: 1234

Email Login:
Email :
Password: 123456

Customer Login Details

Mobile Number Login:
Username: +91 9876543210
Password: 1234

Email Login:
Email :
Password: 123456

iOS App Demo Login

Username: demo
Password: 12345

iOS Demo

Android App Demo Login

Username: demo
Password: 12345

Android Demo

Wallet Details


Stripe sandbox account details for provider payout (withdraw amount)

Card Number: 4000056655665556
MM YY: 11 / 22
CVC: 123


Stripe sandbox account details for customer added amount to wallet

Card Number: 4242424242424242
MM YY: 11 / 22
CVC: 123

TruelySell provides a multiple on-demand service based on nearby locations, by using this web application simply you view and book a service or provide a service to the customers.

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followus documentation support Customization
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Hire Us Customization

System Requirements:

  • PHP Version: 8.2.4
  • MySql version 8.0.33
  • Server: Apache/NGINX, Dedicated Server or VPS root access or AWS Server
  • CURL PHP Extension
  • GD library

Amazing Features for Professionals:

  • Quick Signup/Login: Professional can sign up/login with registered mobile number.
  • Category List: Service Provider can choose your category and subcategory list.
  • Subscription: While posting a service, Provider must choose the subscription.
  • Post a Service: Professionals can post your services in detailed information about what you are going to provide the services.
  • Service Locations: Professionals can set service locations in single click.
  • Chat System: After booking, confirmed customers and providers can communicate via chat system.
  • My Service: Here a provider has an option to view our own service, also able to active/inactive the services.
  • Booking List: Professionals can check booking status whether it is completed or in-progress or cancelled.
  • Notifications: Once the customer is booked the service, Provider will receive the notifications.
  • Wallet/Amount Withdraw: At any time Service providers are able to withdraw the payment from wallet to stripe account.

And much more…..

Booking for Users:

  • Location Based Search: Users can book service nearby locations.
  • Choose Category: Customers can choose the relevant category based on your service needs.
  • OTP based Signup/Login: Customers can Sign Up/login with a registered mobile number.
  • Time Slots: Here customer can see the service provider’s availability timing; based on your convenience time, we can book service
  • Notifications: Once the service has finished, you will receive the notifications in your dashboard.
  • Chat System: Once the booking is confirmed you can communicate to the service provider via chat system.
  • Booking Status: In this menu, customers can easily check the booking status.
  • Wallet Transaction: If a customer wants to book a service, the customer must add the payment, that payment will be credited to the customer’s wallet.
  • Payment Gateway: We have integrated the stripe payment gateway. Customer can make the payment through stripe, after detecting the stripe’s charges remaining payment will be credited to the customer’s wallet.

And much more…

Admin Features:

  • Category/Sub Category: Admin can add multiple category and sub category list.
  • Subscription: Admin can add/Edit the multiple subscription lists.
  • Users List: Admin has an option to view all customer lists, also he is able to block the customers.
  • Service Provider List: Admin can view all the service provider’s list and detailed information like subscription plan, Reg date and etc.,
  • Service List: Admin can view all service lists, also you are able to make active/inactive the service.
  • Payment Transaction: Admin can track all the payment transaction details.
  • Wallet Transaction: Admin has an option to view all the wallet transaction history.

And much more…


  • Admin user with Access privilege TruelySell - On Demand Service Marketplace & Handyman Marketplace Software | UrbanClap Clone - 1
  • Forgot password in Admin Dashboard TruelySell - On Demand Service Marketplace & Handyman Marketplace Software | UrbanClap Clone - 2
  • Enquiry option in Contact us page TruelySell - On Demand Service Marketplace & Handyman Marketplace Software | UrbanClap Clone - 3
  • Email Template in Admin Dashboard TruelySell - On Demand Service Marketplace & Handyman Marketplace Software | UrbanClap Clone - 4
  • Multiple Payment Gateways TruelySell - On Demand Service Marketplace & Handyman Marketplace Software | UrbanClap Clone - 5
  • Cluster Map in Admin Dashboard TruelySell - On Demand Service Marketplace & Handyman Marketplace Software | UrbanClap Clone - 6
  • SEO improvementsTruelySell - On Demand Service Marketplace & Handyman Marketplace Software | UrbanClap Clone - 7


  • Fully responsive
  • Stripe Payment Gateway
  • Simple and Powerful Chat Option
  • Option to choose Providers
  • Super Admin | Vendor Dashboard
  • Subscription Module
  • SMS Notifications
  • Add Multiple Category list
  • Featured Category list
  • Most popular services list
  • OTP Based Signup/login
  • Wallet Module
  • Review system
  • Location based search
  • User friendly design
  • Manage Business Hours
  • Accept/Reject service
  • Multiple Service Listing
  • Instant Booking approvals
  • Booking list history
  • Active/Inactive services
  • Add/Edit/Delete service details
  • Profile Settings
  • Service provider’s Registration date & last seen timing options
  • Book the service in single click
  • Email Settings
  • Payment Gateway settings
  • Easy to find all booking status
  • User Friendly Code
  • Cross browser support
  • SEO Friendly URLs
  • Individual Dashboard for Customer & Service providers
  • Admin General Settings


  • Booking System
  • Wallet System
  • Review System
  • COD
  • Subscriptions
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Chat System
  • User Management
  • SEO
  • Blog
  • Cache System
  • Multi Currency
  • Multi Language
  • Payout
  • Google Map
  • Bank Transfer
  • Theme Settings
  • Membership System
  • Wallet System
  • Refund
  • Abuse Reports


  • General Settings
  • System Settings
  • Localization
  • Login Settings
  • Email Settings
  • SMS Settings
  • SEO Settings
  • Service Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • Chat Settings
  • Language Settings
  • GDPR Cookie Settings
  • Currency Settings
  • Theme Settings
  • Cache Settings
  • Profile Settings
  • Pages Settings


  • Stripe
  • Paypal
  • Razorpay
  • Paystack
  • Paysolution
  • Midtrans
  • Flutterwave
  • Iyzico
  • Bank Transfer
  • COD
  • Wallet


  • Nexmo
  • 2Factor
  • Twilio


  • PHP Mail
  • SMTP
  • Sendgrid



  • Web, iOS and Android Application Source Code
  • Documentation in HTML
  • Reliable Technical Support System
  • Lifetime Template Updates


  • Support Time: Monday – Friday
  • Response Time: Maximum 24 hours
  • We are in GMT +05.30 and we aim to answer all questions within 24 hours on weekdays
  • In some cases, the waiting time can be extended to 48 hours


  • We don’t offer a refund. (if application is already downloaded)
  • Please read the description and version compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.
  • Preview Images are for demo purpose only, not included in the package.
  • Custom code, CSS changes, and feature additions/modifications are outside the scope of item support, as per Envato’s policy
  • Please check respective demos of the particular version you are planning to buy. Ask questions by comment or send the details to


Our Truelysell purchase includes free lifetime updates, offering ongoing access to enhancements and new features at no additional cost.

Messenger Chat

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v2.3.4 (28 March 2024)

Web Application:

- Fixed : Home Page Header & Footer Multiple Language Issue
- Fixed : Editor Issue
- Fixed : Admin - Roles and Permission Issue
- Fixed : Login API issue
- Fixed : Minor Bugs 

v2.3.3 (14 February 2024)

Web Application:

- Fixed: Installation issue fixed
- Fixed: Blog content not showing issue fixed 

v2.3.2 (09 November 2023)

Web Application:

- Fixed: Language Updates
- Added: Chat Delete
- Fixed: Booking Cancelled
- Fixed: On boarding - Appointment Settings
- Fixed : Bug fixing 

v2.3.1 (01 November 2023)

Web Application:

-Product upgrade: PHP version 8.2.4 , MySQL version 8.0.33
-Added : Appointment Settings
-Added : Interval time in service availability
-Added : Tax implementation
-Added : Reschedule Booking
-Added : Application Installer
-Fixed : jQuery v3.7.0
-Fixed: Language Translation 

Mobile APP:


-Added: Providers can add additional services with price in the service creation
-Added: Delete Particular notification & also can delete all the notifications
-Added: Appointment Settings
-Added: Reschedule the Booking
-Added: Tax Implementation
-Added: Performance & Security for local storage
-Fixed: Language Changes
-Fixed: Bug Fixing 


-Added: Providers can add additional services with price in the service creation
-Added: Delete Particular notification & also can delete all the notifications
-Added: Appointment Settings
-Added: Reschedule the Booking
-Added: Tax Implementation
-Added: Performance & Security for local storage
-Fixed: Language Changes
-Fixed: Bug Fixing 

v2.3.0 (01 September 2023)

Web Application

-Fixed : Payment Gateway issues.
-Fixed : Console error.
-Fixed : Chat issue.
-Fixed : Notification - pagination and delete issue.
-Fixed : Delete Account page design.
-Fixed : Bug fixing. 


- Fixed : Email login bugs fixed
- Fixed : Notification list  Issue
- Fixed : APNS notification Issue 


-Added : Chat With Emoji
-Added : Delete Account
-Fixed : Subscription Changes
-Fixed : Theme Change Issue.
-Fixed : Add service issue.
-Fixed : Forgot Password Issue.
-Fixed : Design Issues
-Fixed : Bug fixing.
-Fixed : Service List Reload Issue 

v2.2.9 (29 Mar 2023)

- Added: Mobile application(Android & iOS)
- Fixed: Home page performance issues fixing 

v2.2.8 (17 Mar 2023)

- Added: Wallet option on/off option
- Added: Sendgrid email functions
- Added: Login option autofill options for live site
- Fixed: Login modal popup design changes
- Fixed: Bug fixing 

v2.2.7 (22 Feb 2023)

- Fixed: Normal chat option for API
- Fixed: Status based on Booking list for API 

v2.2.6 (31 Jan 2023)

- Added: PHP chat adding(Without web socket)
- Fixed: Stripe add user wallet issue fixing
- Fixed: Provider wallet amount not updated 

v2.2.5 (30 DEC 2022)

-  Fixed : Unable to add money in wallet from given options
- Fixed : In "Social Links" fourth link (google)also redirected to Instagram page
- Fixed : Location details are not showing in the "Booking list".
- Fixed : After applying the filters in the providers then status is showing in active and tooltip also showing Delete option but that's not working.
- Fixed : After applying the filters in the Users then status is showing in active.
- Fixed : Provider name is not showing in filter  
- Fixed : In User Name and Type filter showing some blank places
- Fixed : Provider are not showing in the booking list filter.
- Fixed : When applying filter for searching particular values, then after click on "Submit" the values in drop down changed
- Fixed : And field label in not showing of country, state and city in the edit service
- Fixed : Bug fixing 

v2.2.4 (16 DEC 2022)

- Added : Flutterwave & iyzico Payment Gateway(Add Wallet & Subscription)
- Fixed : User - able to add services and able to see my-services page
- Fixed : COD details not coming in booking list - pagination
- Fixed : Withdraw using Paysolution - verify and uploaded documents is missing in wallet history list
- Fixed : Add Payout -  Withdraw Amount Field - Decimal Validation
- Fixed : Need to change URL for Sub Category
- Fixed : After Rejected payment request, status shows as 'completed'.
- Fixed : Availability timing issues fixing
- Fixed : Admin panel - Pagination issues fixing
- Fixed : Datatable sorting
- Fixed : New notification red dot is present all the time
- Fixed : API translation changes
- Fixed : Bug fixing 

v2.2.3 (15 NOV 2022)

- Added : Midtrans Payment Gateway(Add Wallet & Subscription)
- Added : Admin Panel - Midtrans Payment Gateway
- Added : Admin panel Service delete option
- Added : Demo login toast message changes
- Added : Currency delete option
- Fixed : Ratings type listing
- Fixed : Provider name not displaying in Admin panel
- Fixed : Subscription content showing more than one time
- Fixed : All services and Blogs comments filter not working
- Fixed : Roles & Permission changes
- Fixed : Auto approval status changes
- Fixed : Home page Category name not displaying
- Fixed : Mobile responsive Book service button changes 

v2.2.2 (02 NOV 2022)

- Added : Performance based on issues fixing
- Added : Demo login toast messages added
- Fixed : payment list getting PHP error message
- Fixed : Admin wallet getting null error message
- Fixed : Users datatables error message
- Fixed : Spelling mistake changes
- Fixed : Unwanted special characters removing
- Fixed : Bug fixing

v2.2.1 (11 Oct 2022)

- Added : User and Provider Delete option
- Added : Manual location
- Added : Roles and Permissions
- Added : Pages
- Added : Cache System
- Added : Blog Module
- Added : Deleted Service List
- Added : Abuse Reports
- Added : Offline Payment(COD)
- Added : Bank Transfer
- Added : Service Settings
- Added : Service Delete Reason
- Added : Sitemap
- Added : Earning
- Added : Refund Request
- Added : Seller Balance
- Added : Admin Panel- Add Service
- Added : Pending Service list
- Added : Inactive Service list
- Fixed : Bug Fixing 

v2.2 (09 August 2022)

Web Application

- Added : Admin login view user site
- Added : Currency Settings
- Added : Language import and export
- Added : Notification Delete
- Added : Category and Subcategory slug
- Added : Blog Module
- Fixed : Bug fixing 

v2.1.10 (25 July 2022)

Web Application

- Android & IOS Application Removed 

v2.1.9 (15 July 2022)

Web Application

- Added : Admin Translation.
- Added : Multi Timezone
- Added : X Razorpay account number field in payment settings
- Fixed : Subscription issues fixing
- Fixed : Wallet history total amount mismatching
- Fixed : Chat list issues fixing
- Fixed : Push notification content changes
- Fixed : Admin panel push notification not working
- Fixed : Home page category based on search issue
- Fixed : Service details page issues fixing
- Fixed : Razorpay issues fixing
- Fixed : Stripe payout issues fixing
- Fixed : Pagination issues fixing 


- Fixed : Email login bugs fixed
- Fixed : Notification list  issue
- Fixed : APNS notification issue 


- Fixed - Payment page issue
- Fixed - Withdrawal page issue
- Fixed - Code Optimized
- Fixed - Plugins Updated (Standard Only)
- Fixed - Kilometers issue in adapter
- Fixed - Default theme adapter issue 

v2.1.8 (22 June 2022)

Web Application

- Added : Subscription expiry mail
- Added : Provider online offline status
- Added : SEO friendly URL
- Fixed : Wallet withdraw issues fixing
- Fixed : Push notification changes
- Fixed : Subscription status issues fixed (API)
- Fixed : Category and Subcategory changes 


- Fixed :  Subscription expiry and email alert flows updated
- Fixed :  Wallet amount addition total amount mismatch issue fixes
- Fixed :  Service provider Availability time update
- Fixed :  Service detail bullet update due to license issue by apple
- Fixed :  Now we can get address through google map while booking
- Fixed :  Chat users can now type more than 40 characters
- Fixed :  Wallet to booking page popup
- Fixed :  Notification list time format update
- Fixed :  Filter option in booking list updated
- Fixed :  Notification contents updated
- Fixed :  User registration Navigate to OTP screen
- Fixed :   Withdraw wallet payment validation 


- Fixed - Subscription button Issue
- Fixed - Code Optimized
- Fixed - Service tab title on the account setting page
- Fixed - Withdrawal Issues Fixed
- Fixed - Service Provider Profile Pic Issue
- Fixed - Availability time Updated to 24 hours schedule 

v2.1.7 (20 May 2022)

Web Application

- Added : One day subscription
- Added : If free subscription expired doesn't show again free subscription
- Added : One day before Subscription expiration mail sending to provider
- Fixed : 24 hours time format is not changed (Booking list and notification page)
- Fixed : Favorite option - All service is highlighted.
- Fixed : Booking list - Click on user request button,The page is not responding.
- Fixed : User / Provider - Double dropdown is displayed.
- Fixed : Edit user/ provider - Image cropper is working not properly.
- Fixed : Wallet - Stripe But the amount is not added in wallet.
- Fixed : My booking - Auto refresh working should be properly.
- Fixed : View service page - Related service address *phone number is missing.
- Fixed : User / Provider - Double dropdown is displayed.
- Fixed : Home page - Notification count and chat count is cleared. 


- Fixed : Profile image camera issue fixed
- Fixed : Favorite list service providers image fixed
- Fixed : Booking list crash issue fixed
- Fixed : Chat users can not type more than 40 characters
- Fixed : Reviewer user image fixed
- Fixed : Favorite the services on home page
- Fixed : Free Subscription issues fixed 


- Fixed - Minor Bugs Fixed
- Fixed - Crash Issue 

v2.1.6 (06 May 2022)

Web Application

- Added : Service Booking Email Added
- Fixed : Some minor bugs fixed 

v2.1.5 (24 April 2022)

Web Application

- Fixed : Booking page Currency symbol is not changed and Amount is not converted.
- Fixed : Profile Settings - The calendar option not showing in the field.
- Fixed : Add Subscription - Remove the increase and decrease dropdown.
- Fixed : Profile Settings - The validation not working in the field.
- Fixed : Profile Settings -Couldn't change the user image.
- Fixed : Download Our App - The page opens "404. That’s an error.".
- Fixed : Mail not received.
- Added : Home page - New services section Added.
- Added : Admin - Service approval mail function. 


- Added : Common login for both User and provider.
- Added : Terms and condition and privacy policy acceptance in register page
- Fixed : Minor bugs fixed on API responses 


- Added - Login Flow on common for both user and provider
- Added - Terms and conditions and privacy policy agreement
- Fixed - Bugs Fixed
- Fixed - Version Updates 

v2.1.4 (29 March 2022)

Web Application

- Fixed : Service offered issues fixing
- Fixed : Web to app, app to web service image issues fixing
- Fixed : Service image delete not working
- Fixed : Language translation 


- Added : Multi language to User notification
- Added : Multi language to Alert message
- Fixed : Email OTP not triggered issue
- Fixed : Service offered not shown when created in web
- Fixed : Service image not listed on mobile when created in web
- Fixed : Admin chat message duplicate
- Updated: Code Optimized 


- Added : Multi language to User notification
- Added : Multi language to Alert message
- Fixed :  Email OTP not triggered issue
- Fixed :  Email Password Login
- Fixed : Provider Login Issue.
- Fixed : App Getting Stuck on login dialog
- Fixed : Web Socket Issue
- Updated : Code Optimized 

v2.1.3 (28 February 2022)

Web Application

- Added : Display Featured services  in homepage.
- Fixed : Footer and header settings dynamic and static link changes.
- Fixed : Admin panel - Service list always displayed in inactive status issues fixing.
- Fixed : If default OTP enabled, to disable SMS sending functions in frontend.
- Fixed : Add service page redirection issue fixing. 


- Added :  Display Featured  services in homepage. 
- Fixed : Added missing keywords in language management.
- Fixed : Booking list pagination issue. 


- Added : Display Featured services in homepage.
- Fixed : Code optimization 

v2.1.2 (7 February 2022)

Web Application

Fixed : User not created
Fixed : Service list - To list search category based on subcategory
Added : Error Log implementation 

v2.1.1 (31 January 2022)

Web Application

Fixed : Add,Edit - Category dropdown missing
Fixed : User & provider - Mobile number flag not displayed 
Fixed : Service provider - Removed category and Subcategory fields 

v2.1 (6 January 2022)

Web Application

Admin panel - Settings

- Added : General settings - Update Website basic and logo details
- Added : System Settings - Update Google map & Firebase server key
- Added : Localization - Update date format, time format, timezone, country code,currency code,currency symbol
- Added : Login Settings - Update login type and OTP type details
- Added : Email Settings - Update SMTP & PHP mail settings
- Added : Payment Settings - Update payment gateway details
- Added : SEO settings - Update meta keyword,description and title
- Added : SMS settings - Update SMS gateway details
- Added : Theme settings - Update Theme color
- Added : Language settings - Add & Edit language and Web and App keywords list,add,edit delete
- Added : Other settings - Update Google analytics & Cookies Agreement
- Added : Chat settings - Update the socket details & Chat welcome message

Frontend Setting

- Added : Header Settings - Update header menus option
- Added : Footer Settings - Update Categories,Quick links, Contact, Social, Copyright details
- Added : Pages - Update FAQ, Privacy policy, Terms&conditions,Help,Home,Cookie policy,About us page content details
- Updated:  To add country code with flag option in login and register
- Added : Paysolution payment gateway integration
- Added : Feature Categories for home page and admin panel
- Fixed : Admin panel - App keywords - Edit & Delete
- Fixed : Autocomplete for service search 

Android Application

- Added: UI Design screens and icons updated
- Added : Date and time format handled through admin
- Added : Subscription with Paystack, Paypal, razor pay, pay solutions, stripe payment gateways 
- Added : Payment gateway pay solution added for adding through wallet
- Added : Pagination added for services lists
- Added : Withdraw with Paystack ,Paypal, razor pay, stripe payment gateways 
- Added : Wallet transaction details page added
- Added : Provider my services active and inactive screens added  
- Added : Flags for country list
- Added : Distance for the services from user location
- Fixed : Login screen flow for provider
- Fixed : Multi language texts fixed
- Fixed : Code Optimized 

iOS Application

- Added : UI Design screens and icons updated
- Added : Date and time format handled through admin
- Added : Subscription with Paystack, Paypal, razor pay, pay solutions, stripe payment gateways 
- Added : Payment gateway pay solution added for adding through wallet
- Added : Pagination added for services lists
- Added : Withdraw with Paystack, Paypal, razor pay, stripe payment gateways 
- Added : Wallet transaction details page added
- Added : Provider my services active and inactive screens added  
- Added : Flags for country list
- Added : Distance for the services from user location
- Fixed : Login screen flow for provider
- Fixed : Multi language texts fixed 

v2.0.9 (25 November 2021)

Web Application

Fixed - COD -> paid status function
Fixed - Payment gateway - Paystack (Admin panel settings, User & Provider)
Fixed - Post Service auto approval
Fixed - Need only view option for demo/hide submit button
Fixed - Home page - To show active status services in popular service list 
Fixed - login, forgot password page logo changes
Fixed - stripe details API - Added payment options
Fixed - Chat page-welcome message changes & User image issues fixing 
Fixed - Admin panel - service list change status not working issue fixing
Fixed - Admin panel - If session expired redirect to login page
Fixed - Providers login - My service - pagination not working
Fixed - API-Mobile app login issue(Getting This Email ID is already registered toast message)
Fixed - Admin panel-service details-currency symbol issues fixing
Fixed - Home page - Download our app section
Fixed - User & Provider - Booking list - Reviews & Payment type added 

Android Application

- Upgraded : Code Optimized
- Added : Pay stack Add wallet payment gateway
- Added : COD option added 
- Added : List the services in the map view for the services  
- Fixed : Wallet transaction details
- Fixed : Admin approval for provider added services
- Fixed : Login Issues has been resolved
- Fixed : Splash Screen Issue fixed
- Fixed : Splash Screen Issue fixed 

iOS Application

- Upgraded : Swift 5
- Added : Pay stack Add wallet payment gateway
- Added : COD option added 
- Added : List the services in the map view for the services  
- Fixed : Wallet transaction details
- Fixed : Admin approval for provider added services
- Fixed : Time-wheel to latest code
- Fixed : Push-notification contents  
- Fixed : Profile image preview 

v2.0.8 (9 October 2021)

Web Application

- Fixed: Currency issue fixed in admin panel
Fixed: Websocket issue fix
Fixed: Provider and user count issue fixing
Fixed: Chat console error fixed in admin panel 

Android Application

- Fixed: Websocket issue fixed
Fixed: Country list API handled on our side
Fixed: Location auto update for user 

iOS Application

- Fixed: Websocket issue fixed
Fixed: Country list API handled on our side
Fixed: Location auto update for user 

v2.0.7 (28 September 2021)

- Added: Swift 5 files added - iOS
Fixed: Deprecated files removed - Android 

v2.0.6 (20 September 2021)

- Added: Favorites for Users
Added: Admin rights for Booking management for Admin
Added: Image Cropper for all the upload images
Added: Admin to user, Real time chat using socket
Fixed: Google Map API
Fixed: Meta View option is not needed in the SEO menu
Fixed: List should be latest first in all the space
Fixed: Footer Menu issues fixed
Fixed: OTP content issue when we register
Fixed: Available slot validation is not there
Fixed: Notification timezone is wrong


Added: Favorites for Users
Added: Admin rights for Booking management
Added: Image Cropper for all the upload images
Added: Admin to user, Real time chat using socket 

v2.0.5 (03 SEP 2021)

- Fixed: Commission amount issue
Fixed: Notification Issue
Fixed: Delete Option Issue
Fixed: Razorpay payment issue 

v2.0.4 (24 AUG 2021)

- Fixed : Push Notification Issue
- Fixed : Images Uploaded Issue
- Fixed : Chat API Issue
- Fixed : User & Provider Forgot Password Issue
- Fixed : Withdrawal Option issue for service providers
- Fixed : Minor bug fixes 

v2.0.3 (14 AUG 2021)

- Fixed : Email Registration issue
- Fixed : In Admin Panel, Service providers side delete option issue
- Fixed : Mobile side signup issue
- Fixed : Google map API issues
- Fixed : Forgot password link issue
- Fixed : Category & Sub Categories images uploaded issue
- Fixed : Minor bug fixes 

v2.0.2 (14 JULY 2021)

- Major bugs fixed 

v2.0.1 (06 MAY 2021)

- Service seekers can access COD directly
- Providers Bank Details displayed in the Admin Panel.
- Service Providers can post a service and upload an image without any delay error fixed. 

v2.0 (05 APR 2021)

- Upgraded the PHP Version 7.4 
- Menu and Sub-Menu changes
- Users and Providers delete option
- Cash On Delivery added for WEB 
- Push Notification added
- Banner changes from admin 

v1.1.0 (16 DEC 2020)

- Major bugs fixed 

v1.0.9 (18 NOV 2020)

- Razor pay implemented in mobile apps 

v1.0.8 (3 NOV 2020)

- Added Admin user access privilege
- Added Forgot password in Admin panel
- Added Sign in options
- Added Enquiry option in contact us
- Added Razorpay Only in Web
- Added Paypal Only in Web
- Added Cluster map in Admin panel
- Added SEO Option
- Added Email Template 

v1.0.7 (10 OCT 2020)

- Category, sub-category deleting option
- Users, providers Active & Inactive
- Country code list page with CRUD Option
- SEO implemented
- Footer Customization in admin panel
- Contact form messages in admin panel
- Related service deactivated issues fix 

v1.0.6 (26 Sep 2020)

- Added Bangladesh Currency 

v1.0.5 (24 Sep 2020)

- Login issue fixed 

v1.0.4 (18 Sep 2020)

- Multi-currency issue fixed
- Multi-language issue fixed 

v1.0.3 (10 Aug2020)

-Multi-Language including RTL is added
- Multi-Currency added
- Commission based system
-  Paypal / Braintree is added
- Minor bugs are fixed 

v1.0.2 (5 June 2020)

-SMTP mail module added
- Profile settings page pincode validation removed
- Nearby location bases search option optimized
- Category and Sub Category duplication issue fixed
- Provider availability issue fixed
- Admin profile image changed immediately
- In admin, category and sub category image upload issue fixed 

v1.0.1 (29 May 2020)

-Android and iOS application added 

v1.0 (15 April 2020)

- Initial Release

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