User App for EventRight Pro Event Ticket Booking System v2.2.0

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About EventRight Pro User App Add-On

This product contains the Source Code for the The EventRight Pro User App Add-On.
Which allows Users to Look for the events & Book the Tickets from the Mobile App similar to the website.
They can login with the same account which they are using in the EventRightPro Website.


Please note that you will need EventRight Pro Backend to connect the app with.

Please click this image to download the demo app

EventRight Pro User App Add-On

User Add-on will need the following as backend

EventRight Pro Backend

Enhance the User Experience with…

EventRight Pro User App Add-On

Thank You

Feature Update 2.0.0


Customer Wallet

  • Customers can top-up their wallet & spend from there. Customers cannot manually withdraw from the wallet. Only way to take our money is by booking the tickets.
  • Wallet Feature can be enabled or disabled by the Admin
v2.2.0 Bug Fix Update 08-APR-2024
–  [FIX] The event share is also not sharing url of event 
–  [FIX] Handling of a free ticket
–  [UPDATE] changed release version code in
–  [UPDATE] changed release version code in pubspec.yaml

v2.1.0 Bug Fix Update 20-MAR-2024
–  [ADD] Test Case for Backend Connection test using settings API
–  [UPDATE] Code updated to accommodate backend changes
–  [UPDATE] updated url test case
–  [UPDATE] changed release version code in
–  [UPDATE] changed release version code in pubspec.yaml

v2.0.0 Major & Feature Update 22-JAN-2024
 - [ADD] Wallet Feature (visible only if admin has enabled it)
 - [UPGRADE] Flutter SDK to 3.16.4
 - [UPGRADE] Some packages updated to latest compatible version
 - [ADD] Flutter test: a test case to check & validate the base URL existence & format

v1.4.0 Feature Update 08-11-JAN-2024
    – [ADD] Added a screen to view all the events by the organizers whom the user is following
    – [FIX] Stripe build run support for Android 13
    – [FIX] minor improvements & bug fixes

v1.3.0 Feature Update 04-DEC-2023
    -- [ADD] Phone otp verification on registration (via backend)
    -- [FIX] minor bug fix

v1.2.0 Major Update for PayPal  24-NOV-2023
    -- [FIX] PayPal integration fixed

v1.1.0 Documentation Update 22-NOV-2023
    -- No Code Changes
    -- Documentation Updated:
        -- Added Steps to Change Splash-screen Image
        -- Added Steps to Change App Colors
        -- Added Steps to Change Logo Image
        -- Added Steps to Change Drawer/Launcher Icon

v1.1.0 Feature Update 18-OCT-2023
    -- [ADD] Code prepared for Seat Module which is coming soon
    -- [FIX] The User was not automatically navigating to login after successful registration, now he will.
    -- [FIX] minor bug fixed

v1.0.0 Initial Release 13-JUNE-2023
    -- Flutter 3.10.2

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