We Courier - Courier and logistics management CMS with Merchant,Delivery app v1.4

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Wecourier – Parcel delivery courier management Logistics support cms

Wecourier is a complete parcel delivery solution for the most common courier platforms. It has a lot of build-in futures which are needed for every courier management site. It is designed for those who want to start their courier business or parcel delivery website. There are many courier scripts, many of them are very expensive, and have very complex interfaces for admin and user. Wecourier is designed with user friendly interface and simple interface. Any non-technical person can use this software.

No need to waste money on developing new software And no need to waste time.Wecourier will help you like – Branch management, parcels delivery, merchant management, sms system, user support ticket system , payment accounts management system, notification sending system, parcel delivery history, merchant invoice generator system, print label system, merchant online payment system and merchant payout system and etc. Setting up your website with our system only takes a few minutes. We can provide support, installation and customization if you need it.

We Courier - Courier and logistics management CMS with Merchant,Delivery app - 1 We Courier - Courier and logistics management CMS with Merchant,Delivery app - 2 We Courier - Courier and logistics management CMS with Merchant,Delivery app - 3
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Website: https://apps.wemaxdevs.com
Admin Email: admin@wemaxdevs.com
Admin Password: 12345678

Branch Email: branch@wemaxdevs.com
Branch Password: 12345678

Merchant Email: merchant@wemaxdevs.com
Merchant Password: 12345678

Wecourier build for:

– Parcel Delivery
– Courier Management
– Logistic Supports
– E-Commerse marketplace
– Food Delivery
– Medicine and phrma management
– And etc.


– Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
– Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
– Password Hashing
– Avoiding SQL Injection


– Regular login and registration system with mobile verification.
– Facebook login and registration system.
– Google login and registration system.

Online payment gateways

– Paypal
– Stripe
– Skrill
– SSLCommerz
– Aamarpay
– bKash
– Razorpay
– Coming soon…

SMS gateways

– Twilio SMS
– Nexmo SMS
– Coming soon…

Multiple language translation system

– English
– Hindi
– Arabic
– Bangla
– Spanish
– Franch
– Chinese

Frontend Features:

– Home Sections- (Banner, Service, Achievement, Blogs, Partner, Pricing, Whay Courier)
– Parcel Tracking
– Privacy Policy
– Terms Conditions
– About us
– FAQ dynamically manage
– Contact with google maps location
– Blogs
– Blog Details
– and many more.

Admin panel features:

– Total summery in dashboard
– All notifications
– Delivery man Manage
– Branch Manage (Payments, List , In-Charge, View)
– Merchant manage ( Payments, List, View) with email alert
– Merchant view(Delivery charge, Pickup Points , Payment accounts, Invoice)
– Todo list
– Wallet system – Merchant wise wallet activation – Ticket (Support)
– Parcel manage
– Parcel view
– Parcel Priority
– Parcel priority google maps show
– Parcel tracking system
– Parcel print
– Parcel print label with barcode
– Parcel clone system
– Import parcels
– Offers manage
– Activity lgos list and view
– Deception manage
– Subscriber list
– Pickup request manage (Regular and Express)
– Assets manage
– Payment received list
– Online payout system
– Accounts manage
– Fund transfer system
– Income manage
– Expense manage
– All bank transactions list
– Paid Invoice list (With Pending , Processing)
– Roles manage
– Designations
– Departments
– Users manage with permissions
– Payroll system ( Salary generate, Salary manage)
– Reports section (Parcel status reports, Parcel wise profit, Salary reports, Merchant/Branch/Deliveryman reports, Total summery reports)
– Push notification manage
– Delivery category settings
– Delivery charges settings
– Delivery type settings
– Liquid/Fragile settings
– SMS settings
– SMS Send settings
– Notification settings
– Social Login settings
– Online payment settings (Paypal, Stripe, Skrill, SSLCommerz, Aamarpay, bKash, Razorpay and etc)
– Packaging setup
– General settings
– Google maps settings
– Assets category setup
– Database backup system
– Invoice generate (Merchant payment period wise)
– Addons system
– Dynamic color change from General settings
– Frontend Web setup (Front Web) – Social Link, Service, Why Courier, FAQ, Partner, Blogs, Pages, Sections
– And etc.

Merchant panel features:

– Payment Information manage (Create , update, delete)
– Offers list
– My wallet system
– Profile update
– Merchant total summery in dashbaord with charts
– Ticket (Support) with replyable
– Payment received list
– Online payout system (Paypal, Stripe, skrill, SSLCommerz, Aamarpay,bKash, Razorpay)
– Invoice List (Pending,Processing, Unpaid)
– Parcel manage
– Import parcels (Excel file)
– Parcels clone
– view parcel details
– Parcel tracking system
– Manage parcels bank
– Reports (Parcel status reports, Total summery reports, Account transaction reports, Statements reports)
– COD charges list
– Delivery charges list
– Online payment setup (Paypal, Stripe, skrill, SSLCommerz, Aamarpay, bKash)
– Pickup points manage
– And etc.

More features:

– Excel file download
– CSV file download
– PDF file download
– Verify code send to mobile using SMS
– Database auto send to email
– Invoice send to email
– Cash received from delivery man in branch panel
– Income/Expense charts
– Parcel status charts
– And etc.

Technology used:

– Laravel
– Bootstrap
– Select 2
– Bootstrap datepicker
– jQeury
– Ajax
– Google maps api
– And etc.

API has been created :

– Delivery app api
– Merchant app api
– Front-end api

System Requirement

– Requires PHP Version: 8.0.2 or later
– Database Support MySQL, Mysqli.
– BCMath PHP Extension
– Ctype PHP Extension
– Fileinfo PHP Extension
– Mbstring PHP Extension
– OpenSSL PHP Extension
– PDO PHP Extension
– Tokenizer PHP Extension
– XML PHP Extension
– PHPMailer Support

Change Log

1 Jan 2023 V1.0.0

Initial release

21 February 2023

bug fixed

16 April 2023

================ Bug fixed ==============
Alert issue
index file issue
push notification issue

Add Addons system
Add Razorpay payment gateway
Add Nexmo sms gateway
Add Twilio sms gateway 

20 Jun 2023

 ================ For web==============
Add language - Franch, Spanish, China
Add countries symbole
Add mess multiple label print (Admin & Merchant Panel) 
Add support status update ( PENDING, PROCESSING, RESOLVED, CLOSED )
Add frontend template
Add theme color change options from admin panel for frontend
Add build API integrate for mobile app
================ For mobile app==============
Add balance details
Add clearable  parcels
Add parcel details
Add merchant account list
Add Invoice list
Add Invoice details
Add parcel status list
Add status wise parcel list
Add analytics for parcels
Add payment request create
Add payment request list
Add statements 

28 Oct 2023

 ================ For web==============

Fixed installation issue
Fixed parcel bulk modal issue
Fixed merchant payment account bank list
Fixed language switch
Add google maps in (Parcel, Branch, Deliveryman)
Add google maps key dynamic
Add parcel priority system
Add parcel priority for deliveryman map show
Add admin able to live track assigning deliveryman
Add admin wallet system
Add merchant wallet system
Add merchant wise wallet activation system
Add bulk import google maps address

================ For mobile app============== 
 Add Proof of delivery with electric signature and photo uploaded for customer end
 Add Delivery man route wise showing their assigning parcel
 Add Delivery man geo location activation with their mobile 

03 July 2024

 ================ For web==============

    Fixed Parcel store  wallet problem issues
    Fixed parcel index issue
    Fixed anguage switch problem 500 errors 
    Fixed parcel logs page white errors
    Fixed merchant account bank name  file missing
    Fixed merchant dashboard, merchant view $ symbol remove
    Fixed twillio SMS API error issues
    Fixed register bug fixed

    Add invoice system smotthing
    Add invoice total added in export excel 
    Add parcel tracking id reduce
    Add merchant wise invoice generate
    Add merchant manage payment select invoice and invoice status will paid
    Add cron job setup information in general settings
    Add label print design size
    Add wallet system parcel create

    ================ For mobile app============== 
    Fixed parcel status update not working from delivery apps

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